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  • Book
    editors, David Shelledy, Jay I. Peters.
    Summary: "This book describes the purpose of patient assessment and then guides the reader through the process of reviewing existing data in the medical record, conducting the patient interview, performing the physical assessment, and finally evaluating the diagnostic studies needed and developing and implementing a respiratory care plan. This text is designed for undergraduate and entry-level graduate courses in respiratory care, applied respiratory physiology, pulmonary disease, and mechanical ventilation (among others). The second edition has been updated to include additional questions related to the National Board for Respiratory Care exam, as well as updated AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines and National Best Practices alongside the text"-- Provided by publisher.

    Introduction to patient assessment
    Development and implementation of respiratory care plans
    Review of the medical record
    Patient history
    Physical assessment
    Assessment of oxygenation
    Assessment of ventilation
    Blood gas analysis, hemoximetry, and acid-base balance
    Laboratory studies
    Cardiac assessment and the electrocardiogram
    Cardiopulmonary imaging
    Adult pulmonary function
    Bronchoscopy and other diagnostic studies
    Acute and critical care monitoring and assessment
    Obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders
    Neonatal and pediatric assessment.
    Digital Access R2Library 2021
    Limited to 1 simultaneous user
  • Article
    Baquero F, Bouanchaud D, Martinez-Perez MC, Fernandez C.
    J Bacteriol. 1978 Aug;135(2):342-7.
    Microcins are low-molecular-weight compounds produced and excreted by Enterobacteriaceae. They inhibit the growth of a wide spectrum of microorganisms. Microcin-synthesizing transconjugants were obtained in seven out of eight experiments of conjugational transfer between wild-type microcinogenic strains of Escherichia coli and E. coli strain BM21. The physical analysis of one of the transconjugant strains that has acquired the ability to produce microcin 17 showed the presence of extrachromosomal DNA as a plasmid (pRYC17) of molecular weight 36 X 10(6) (18.3-micron length), which is absent in the "microcincured" derivative strain. pRYC17 was incompatible with plasmids of the IncFII group. Other suspected plasmids containing the information for the synthesis of microcins have not been clearly classified. Strains producing microcins 93, 136, and 140 show a partial incompatibility with IncFIII group of plasmids.
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