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  • Book
    Ulrich Hoeger, J. Robin Harris, editors.
    Summary: This book focuses on respiratory proteins, the broad hemoglobin family, as well as the molluscan and arachnid hemocyanins (and their multifunctional roles). Featuring 20 chapters addressing invertebrate and vertebrate respiratory proteins, lipoproteins and other body fluid proteins, and drawing on the editors' extensive research in the field, it is a valuable addition to the Subcellular Biochemistry book series. The book covers a wide range of topics, including lipoprotein structure and lipid transport; diverse annelid, crustacean and insect defense proteins; and insect and vertebrate immune complexes. It also discusses a number of other proteins, such as the hemerythrins; serum albumin; serum amyloid A; von Willebrand factor and its interaction with factor VIII; and C-reactive protein. Given its scope, the book appeals to biologists, biomedical scientists and clinicians, as well as advanced undergraduates and postgraduates in these disciplines. Available as a printed book and also as an e-book and e-chapters, the fascinating material included is easily accessible.

    Chapter 1. Annelid Coelomic Fluid Proteins
    Chapter 2. Crustacean Hemolymph Lipoproteins
    Chapter 3. The Anti-lipopolysaccharide Factors in Crustaceans
    Chapter 4. Insect Defense Proteins and Peptides
    Chapter 5. Insect Hemolymph Immune Complexes
    Chapter 6. Hemoglobin in Arthropods
    Daphnia as a Model
    Chapter 7. Molluscan Hemocyanins
    Chapter 8. Arachnid Hemocyanins
    Chapter 9. Multifunctional Roles of Hemocyanins
    Chapter 10. Recent Insights into the Diversity and Evolution of Invertebrate Hemerythrins and Extracellular Globins
    Chapter 11. Embryonic and Fetal Human Hemoglobins: Structures, Oxygen Binding, and Physiological Roles
    Chapter 12. Sickle Cell Hemoglobin
    Chapter 13. Multiplicity and Polymorphism of Fish Hemoglobins
    Chapter 14. Hemoglobin: Structure, Function and Allostery
    Chapter 15. Serum Albumin, Lipid and Drug Binding
    Chapter 16. High-density Lipoproteins and Apolipoprotein A1
    Chapter 17. Serum Amyloid A (SAA) proteins
    Chapter 18. Physiological Roles of the von Willebrand factor-factor VIII interaction
    Chapter 19. Antigen-Antibody Complexes
    Chapter 20. C-reactive Protein and its Structural Isoforms: An Evolutionary Conserved Marker and Central Player in Inflammatory Diseases and Beyond.
    Digital Access Springer 2020