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  • Book
    Sumera Javad, editor.
    Summary: In this age of population explosion and depleting natural resources, this book offers new techniques to produce more from agricultural crops at a lower cost. The field of agronomy addresses this issue and interacts with the fields of agriculture, botany, and economics. Nanotechnology and nanoparticles play a role in agronomy. This book joins techniques from both fields into once comprehensive volume. Students of agriculture, physics, nanotechnology, and plant sciences will benefit equally from this work.

    About the Editor
    Chapter 1: Nanotechnology: A Breakthrough in Agronomy
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 What Is Nanotechnology?
    1.3 Classification of Nanomaterials
    1.3.1 One-Dimensional Nanoparticles
    1.3.2 Two-Dimension Nanoparticles
    1.3.3 Three-Dimension Nanoparticles
    1.4 Synthesis of Nanomaterials
    1.4.1 Top to Bottom Approach
    1.4.2 Bottom to Up Approach Chemical Synthesis Biological Synthesis
    Nanoparticle Synthesis Using Microorganisms
    Green Synthesis 1.5 Overview of Nano-technological Applications in Agriculture
    1.5.1 Crop Production and Growth Seed Production Seed Germination Nanofertilizer
    1.5.2 Crop Disease Management Nanopestiside Nanofungicide Nanoherbicide Nanofibers
    1.5.3 Nanoparticles in Post-harvest Disease Management
    1.5.4 Nanoscale Carriers
    1.5.5 Nanosensors
    1.5.6 Sustainable Water Use
    1.5.7 Removal of Heavy Metals
    1.5.8 Hydroponics
    1.5.9 Nanoparticles in Plant Tissue Culture
    1.6 Conclusion
    References 4.2.3 Take-All of Wheat
    4.2.4 Downy Mildews
    4.2.5 Leaf Spot and Blight Diseases
    4.2.6 Grey Mold Disease
    4.2.7 Rusts
    4.2.8 Smuts
    4.2.9 Anthracnose
    4.3 Role of Fungi in Nanoparticles Synthesis
    4.3.1 Mechanisms Behind Myconanoparticles Synthesis
    4.3.2 Fungi a Renewable Source for Nanoparticles Synthesis
    4.4 Myconanoparticles Application in Management of Fungal Diseases
    4.4.1 Nanoparticles as a Suppresser for Pests (Nanopesticides)
    4.4.2 Myconanoparticles Mechanism of Action Against Fungal Pathogens
    4.5 Future Prospective
    References Chapter 2: Nanotechnology and Plant Tissue Culture
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Plant Tissue Culture
    2.2.1 Nanoparticles in Tissue Culture
    2.2.2 Nanomaterials and Surface Sterilization of Explants
    2.2.3 Role of Nanoparticles in Callogenesis, Organ Induction, Shoot and Root Growth
    2.2.4 Effect of Nanomaterials on Genetic Transformation
    2.2.5 In Vitro Conservation
    2.2.6 Nanomaterials May Lead to Somaclonal Differences
    2.2.7 Nanomaterials Cause Enhancement of Secondary Metabolites
    2.3 Are Nanoparticles Toxic in Plant Tissue Culture?
    2.4 Future Projections
    2.5 Conclusion
    Digital Access Springer 2020