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  • Book
    John Torday, William Miller, Jr.
    Summary: There has been no mechanistic explanation for evolutionary change consistent with phylogeny in the 150 years since the publication of 'Origins. As a result, progress in the field of evolutionary biology has stagnated, relying on descriptive observations and genetic associations rather testable scientific measures. This book illuminates the need for a larger evolutionary-based platform for biology. Like physics and chemistry, biology needs a central theory in order to frame the questions that arise, the way hypotheses are tested, and how to interpret the data in the context of a continuum. The reduction of biology to its self-referential, self-organized properties provides the opportunity to recognize the continuum from the Singularity/Big Bang to Consciousness based on cell-cell communication for homeostasis.

    Chapter 1. Introduction
    Chapter 2. Darwin, the Modern Synthesis, and a New Biology
    Chapter 3. Cognition and the living condition
    Chapter 4. What is consciousness? An Evolutionary Perspective
    Chapter 5. Networking from the Cell to Quantum Mechanics as Consciousness
    Chapter 6. The Nature of information and its communication
    Chapter 7. The information cycle and biological information management
    Chapter 8. Communication and the accumulation of genetic information
    Chapter 9. Non-genic means of information reception and exchange
    Chapter 10. The primacy of the unicellular state
    Chapter 11. Phenotype, niche construction and natural cellular engineering
    Chapter 12. Holobionts
    Chapter 13. Four Domains: Cognition-based evolution
    Chapter 14. Reconciling physics and biology
    Chapter 15. What does this mean for evolution?
    Chapter 16. Conclusion: Cellular-molecular evolution in the 21st century.
    Digital Access Springer 2020