BookMieczyslaw Pokorski, editor.
Summary: This book shares the experimental findings and views in current multidisciplinary medical science combining both basic and applied research aimed at resolving problematic health issues. The key topics address contagious diseases, in particular the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and management of influenza and influenza-like infections as well as brain tuberculosis. Pulmonary medicine is represented by articles addressing a range of practical issues, including the diagnosis, symptoms, comorbidities, and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea, a syndrome whose incidence shows a persistent upward trend worldwide. Other articles address the pathogenesis of air pollution toxicity and allergy and sensory irritation in toxic exposure studies. An intriguing relation of atopic dermatitis to depression and serotoninergic system is debated. The book attempts to integrate research into clinical work and to implement findings to improve care and to decrease suffering from diseases. It is dedicated to the practicing professionals, researchers, and all engaged in health care.
Nosocomial Infections in Patients Hospitalized with Respiratory Syncytial Virus: A Practice Review
1 Introduction
2 Methods
3 Results
4 Discussion
Regional Activity and Spread of Influenza Viruses in Poland in the Context of Neighboring Countries in the Epidemic Season 201...
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Patients and Samples
2.2 Molecular Biology Tests
2.3 Virus Isolation in Cell Culture
2.4 Epidemiological Mapping
3 Results and Discussion
References Bacteremia in Children Hospitalized Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
1 Introduction
2 Methods
3 Results
4 Discussion
Multi-spectral Pattern of Clinical Presentation and the Resultant Outcome in Central Nervous System Tuberculosis: A Single Cen...
1 Introduction
2 Methods
3 Results
4 Discussion
Adherence to Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Search Strategy
2.2 Statistical Elaboration
3 Results 3.1 Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI): Five Studies Included in the Analysis
3.1.1 TAI: % of Good Scores of Adherence to Therapy
3.1.2 TAI: % of Inadvertent Non-adherence to Therapy
3.1.3 TAI: % of Erratic Non-adherence to Therapy
3.1.4 TAI: % of Deliberate Non-adherence to Therapy
3.2 Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8): Six Studies Included in the Analysis
3.2.1 MMAS-8: % of High Scores of Adherence to Therapy
3.3 Factors Affecting Adherence to Therapy in COPD Patients
4 Discussion
References How Healthy Is Healthy? Comparison Between Self-Reported Symptoms and Clinical Outcomes in Connection with the Enrollment of V...
1 Introduction
2 Methods
3 Results
3.1 Overview of Recruitment Strategies of Current Studies on Sensory Irritation
3.2 Re-Evaluation of Recruitment of Healthy Volunteers for Six IPA Studies
4 Discussion and Conclusions
Co-expression of Hsp70 Protein and Autophagy Marker Protein LC3 in A549 Cells and THP1 Cells Exposed to Nanoparticles of Air P...
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Cell Cultures
2.2 Cell Treatment 2.3 LC3 and Hsp70 Expression
2.4 Data Analysis
3 Results
4 Discussion
Whole Blood Assay as a Tool to Describe the Effects of Zinc Oxide Exposure on Innate Immunity
1 Introduction
2 Methods
2.1 Study Group
2.2 Cellular Blood Composition
2.3 Whole Blood Assay (WBA)
2.4 Cytokine Quantification
2.5 Data Elaboration
3 Results
3.1 ZnO Effects in Whole Blood Assay (WBA): Evaluation of the Group of 16 Subjects
3.1.1 Normal Range Calculated as 25th and 75th Percentiles of Cytokine Release