BookHenk G. Merkus, Gabriel M.H. Meesters, Wim Oostra, editors.
Summary: This edited volume brings together the expertise of numerous specialists on the topic of particles - their physical, chemical, pharmacological and toxicological characteristics - when they are a component of pharmaceutical products and formulations. The book discusses in detail properties such as the composition, size, shape, surface properties and porosity of particles with respect to how they impact the formulations and products in which they are used and the effective delivery of pharmaceutical active ingredients. It considers all dosage forms of pharmaceuticals involving particles, from powders to tablets, creams to ointments, and solutions to dry-powder inhalers, also including the latest nanomedicine products. Further, it discusses examples of particle toxicity, as well as the important subject of pharmaceutical industry regulations, guidelines and legislation. The book is of interest to researchers and practitioners who work on testing and developing pharmaceutical dosage and delivery systems.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Editors and Contributors; 1 Introduction; Abstract; 1.1 Objective of This Book; 1.2 Pharmaceutical Products; 1.3 Relevance of Particle and Powder Characteristics for Product Quality; 1.4 Particle, Powder and Liquid Dispersion Characteristics [54-56, 58]; 1.4.1 Composition; 1.4.2 Particle Size and Particle Size Distribution (PSD); 1.4.3 Particle Shape; 1.4.4 Particle Morphology; 1.4.5 Particle Density and Porosity; 1.4.6 Surface Area; 1.4.7 Wettability; 1.4.8 Zeta Potential; 1.4.9 Powder Packing, Density and Porosity; 1.4.10 Powder Flowability; 1.4.11 Segregation 1.4.12 Rheology of Emulsions and Suspensions [55, 60]1.4.13 Stability of Emulsions and Suspensions [55, 60]; 1.5 Measurement Methods and Techniques [52, 54, 55]; 1.5.1 Sampling [39, 57, 70]; 1.5.2 Dispersion/Dilution [40, 58]; 1.5.3 Measurement Techniques for API Concentration and Coating; 1.5.4 Measurement Techniques for Particle Characteristics; True Skeleton Density; Crystallinity and Crystal Structure; Elemental Analysis; Particle Size Distribution (PSD); Particle Shape; Surface Area, Porosity and Pore Size Distribution; Wettability Zeta Potential1.5.5 Measurement Methods for Powder Characteristics; Bulk Density; Flow Properties; 1.5.6 Characterization Techniques for Liquid Dispersions; 1.5.7 Characterization Techniques for Sprays; 1.6 Set up of the Book; 1.7 Definitions, Abbreviations and Symbols; References; 2 Guide to Pharmaceutical Product Quality; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology; 2.3 Guidelines for Quality Control of Drug Substances; 2.4 Analysis of PSD and Particle Shape and Acceptance Criteria; 2.5 Quality Management 2.6 Definitions, Abbreviations and SymbolsReferences; 3 Bio-nano: Theranostic at Cellular Level; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Janus Particles, Superparticles and Core-Shell Particles; 3.2.1 Janus-Particles; 3.2.2 Superparticles; 3.2.3 Core-Shell Particles; 3.3 Overview Drug Delivery Systems (DDS); 3.4 Surface Modification; 3.4.1 Amphiphillic Micelle Structures; 3.4.2 Multidentate Polymeric Ligands; 3.4.3 Bi-functional Ligands; 3.5 Biomedical Application-Diagnostics and Therapy; 3.5.1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); 3.5.2 Hyperthermia; 3.5.3 Computed Tomography (CT) 3.5.4 Photothermal and Photodynamic Therapy3.6 Tumor Microenvironment; 3.7 Biodistribution and Functionalization of the DDS; 3.8 Bio-nano Interface; 3.9 Electronic Properties of Nanomaterials; 3.9.1 Luminescence of Quantum Dots; 3.10 Nanoparticles as Enzyme Mimetics; 3.11 Protein Corona; 3.12 Passive and Active Targeting; 3.13 Endocytose; 3.14 Gatekeeper; 3.15 Biorelated Degradation of the DDS; 3.16 Cancer Immunotherapy; 3.17 Limitation of the DDS; 3.18 Abbreviations; References; 4 Moving Liposome Technology from the Bench to the Oncological Patient: Towards Performance-by-Design; Abstract