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  • Book
    Timothy H. M. Fung, Winfried M. K. Amoaku, editors.
    Summary: This book provides a core revision resource for candidates sitting part 2 of the FRCOphth and other UK and international qualifying exams such as the FRCS, MRCS, FAMS and FRANZCO. Clear, didactic chapters logically outline the requirements for Structured Vivas and Objective Structured Clinical Examination with 'Dos and Donts for each section. Viva and OSCE Exams in Ophthalmology: A Revision Study Guide fills the need for a study companion that contains all the required resources in a single usable guide for candidates sitting fellowship exams to become a registered ophthalmologist or surgeon. Ophthalmic specialist trainees, specialty doctors, staff grades, and associate specialists who wish to become a fellow will find this book to be an essential guide to revising for oral and clinical based exams in ophthalmology.

    Part I: Structured Viva
    Viva technique : Do's and Dont's
    Patient Investigations and Interpretation
    Patient Management in Clinical Practice
    Attitudes, Ethics and Responsibilities in Clinical Practice
    Health Promotion, Audit, Research and Evidence-Based Medicine
    Communication Skill Scenarios
    Part II: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)
    OSCE technique: Do's and Dont's
    Anterior segment and cataract
    Glaucoma and Lid
    Posterior segment
    Strabismus and Orbit
    Digital Access Springer 2020