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  • Book
    Kate Aberger, David Wang, editors.
    Summary: Rooted in everyday hospital medicine, Palliative Skills for Frontline Clinicians addresses the challenges of delivering complex care to patients living with serious illnesses. Spanning emergency medicine, internal medicine, surgery and various subspecialties, each chapter reads like a story, comparing usual care with a step-by-step palliative-based approach. This case-based book features a multidisciplinary, palliative-trained authorship, including neurologists, nephrologists, emergency physicians, surgeons, intensivists, and obstetricians. Divided into four parts, Palliative Skills for Frontline Clinicians outlines common clinical scenarios across settings and specialties to highlight unmet needs of patients with potentially terminal illnesses. Each case is broken down into the usual standard approach, and delves into detail regarding different palliative interventions that can be appropriate in those scenarios. These are meant to be practice changing; down to the actual words used to communicate with patients. In addition to the books focus on the principles of palliative care and the "art" of treating the patient, approaches to communication with the patients families for the best long-term outcomes are discussed. Concise and pragmatic, Palliative Skills for Frontline Clinicians is meant to be practice changing. It provides readers with both a new conceptual framework, as well as actual words to communicate with patients and medication doses for symptom management. It is an invaluable resource for non-palliative trained clinicians who wish to strengthen their palliative care skills.

    Part I: Emergency Medicine
    High Yield Approach to the ED Goals of Care Conversation
    A Palliative Approach to End Stage COPD
    This POLST Makes No Sense
    Treating Pain and Prognosticating in Metastatic Cancer
    Complex Pain Management and Goals of Care in a Debilitated Cancer Patient
    To Intubate or Not to Intubate: Ask the Right Questions
    ED Approach to the Hospice patient
    Part II: Inpatient Internal Medicine
    "We cant let him starve": Artificial Nutrition in Patients with Advanced Dementia
    Shared Decision-Making in the Setting of a Large Ischemic Stroke
    Prognostication and Goals of Care in Advanced Parkinsons Disease
    Saying Yes to Aggressive Measures: The Role of Neuropalliative Care in Critically Ill Patients with Potential for Recovery
    "I am a Fighter": Recognizing and Responding to Cancer Metaphors
    "What does the awake ventilated patient really want?": Shared-decision making in the ICU
    A Mothers Love
    Support Despite Disagreeing with Goals of Care
    End-Stage Renal Disease and Shared Decision-Making Dilemmas
    Discontinuing Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) in the Intensive Care Unit
    Teaching Learners How to Approach Family Decisions as a Process
    Part III: Surgery
    Trach/PEG Consult in the ICU
    Rescinding DNR Orders in the Operating Room
    A Threshold Moment, Preserving Patient Dignity, and the Value of a Time Limited Trial
    Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Anticipating Poor Surgical Outcomes while Honoring Patient Autonomy
    Surgery for the Hospice Patient: When is it Appropriate?
    Non-Operative Approach To Caring For The Ischemic Limb
    Placing a Feeding Tube in a Patient with Dementia
    Malignant Bowel Obstruction In A Dying Patient: To Operate Or Not?
    Geriatric Trauma Decision-Making Based on Functional Outcomes
    Part IV: Specialty Medicine
    Decision by Surrogates for a Patient with a Psychiatric History
    Palliative Approach to Patients with Concurrent Seriou s Illness and Substance Use Disorder
    Responding To Spiritual Suffering And Hope During A Goals Of Care Conversation
    Trisomy 18: Early And Concurrent Palliative Care Enhances Delivery And Neonatal Planning
    Navigating Colleagues and Parents in the Pediatric ICU.
    Digital Access Springer 2020