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  • Book
    Jörn Rittweger, editor.
    Summary: This book addresses various practical aspects of vibration exercise and vibration therapy. In addition, it describes the technical and physiological background, providing applied scientists and doctors with a deeper understanding of the therapeutic potential that vibration exercise holds. Having first emerged two decades ago, vibration exercise has since established itself as a widespread form of physical exercise, used in all rehabilitation areas. The goal of this book is to close the gap between scientific knowledge and practice. Given that occupational exposure to vibration leads to well-known unfavorable effects, a substantial section of the book is dedicated to potential risks, hazards and contra-indications. Moreover, the application of vibration therapy in a number of specific conditions is presented in a clinically usable fashion. Lastly, the use of vibration as a diagnostic tool will also be discussed. Given its breadth of coverage, this book will be of interest to physiotherapists and exercise scientists, but also to a wider range of physicians working in the field of rehabilitation.

    Physics of Vibration
    The Biology of Vibration.-Design principles of Available machines.-Safety and contra-indications
    Biomechanics of Vibration Exercise
    Cutaneous and muscle mechanoreceptors, their sensitivity to mechanical vibrations.-Electromyographical recordings during Vibration
    Supraspinal Responses & Spinal Reflexes
    Assesing reflex latencies in responses to vibration: Evidence for the involvement of more than one receptor.-Metabolic responses to whole body vibration exercise
    Circulation Effects
    Hormonal responses to vibration therapy
    Warming up.-Modulation of Neuromuscular Function
    Application in Athletics
    Using whole body vibration for countermeasure exercise
    How to Design Exercise Sessions with Whole Body Vibration Platforms
    Whole Body Vibration in Geriatric Rehabilitation. -Application of vibration training for enhancing bone strength.-Whole body vibration exercise as a treatment option for chronic lower back pain
    Pediatric Rehabilitation
    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    Urinary Incontinence.-Primary Muscle Disorders.-Application of vibration training in people with common neurological disorders
    Whole body vibration therapy in patients with pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure: Lessons from a pilot study.-Vibration exercise and vibration therapy in metabolic syndrome.-Whole body vibration exercise in Cancer.-GLOSSARY, APPENDICES.
    Digital Access Springer 2020