BookPadma V. Devarajan, Prajakta Dandekar, Anisha A. D'Souza, editors.
Summary: This book elaborates on various aspects of targeting via intracellular delivery, specifically through the Receptor Mediated Endocytosis (RME) approach, due to the involvement of cellular receptors in various grave diseases. Targeted delivery relies on two basic approaches, passive and active targeting. While passive targeting approaches have shown great promise, the improved selectivity achieved with active targeting approaches has resulted in significantly higher efficacy. Interestingly there are numerous strategies for active targeting, many of which are already highlighted in Targeted Drug Delivery: Concepts and Applications. Nevertheless an exciting and practical strategy for active targeting, which could enable high intracellular delivery, is through exploitation of RME. Cells in the body express receptors to enable various physiological and biochemical processes. Many of these receptors are overexpressed in pathological conditions, or newer receptors expressed due to defective cellular functioning. RME is based on exploitation of such receptors to achieve intracellular delivery. While targeted delivery can have manifold applications, in this book we focus on two major and challenging therapeutic areas; i) Cancer and ii) Infectious Diseases. Targeted Intracellular Drug Delivery by Receptor Medicated Endocytosis discusses the major receptors that are useful for targeted delivery for these afflictions. An overview of pathways of intracellular uptake is presented with emphasis on RME pathways. A major section of this book is dedicated to details regarding their occurrence and location, the recognition domain of the receptor, structure activity relationship of substrate /ligand for selective binding, ligands explored, antagonists for ligand binding and relevance of these aspects for therapy of cancer and infectious diseases. These facets are elucidated with the help of specific examples from academic research and also clinical trials, wherever relevant. In vitro cellular models relied on for assessing receptor mediated cellular targeting and in vivo models depicting clinical efficacy are focused on in a separate section. This section also includes a chapter on cellular assays which was conceived to provide hands on training to young and nouveau researchers in the field of targeted nanomedicine.
Part 1-Introduction and overview
Intracellular Delivery in Cancer and Infectious Diseases
Intracellular Delivery by Receptor Mediated Endocytosis
Part 2-Receptor and Receptor Medicated Endocytosis in Cancer
Receptors Relevant for Cancer Therapeutics
(chapters 3-8)
Part 3-Receptors and Receptor Medicated Endocytosis in Infectious Diseases
Receptors Relevant for Infectious Disease Therapeutics
(chapters 9-13)
Part 4-Common Receptors for Receptors and Receptor Mediated Endocytosis in Cancer and Infectious Diseases
Chapters 14-17)
Receptors Relevant for Cancer and Infectious Disease Therapeutics
Part 5-Models for Evaluation of Targeted Delivery in Cancer and infectious Diseases
In vitro and in vivo Models for Cancer and Infectious Diseases
In vitro and in vivo Models for Infectious Diseases
Part 6- Regulatory and Toxicity Issues
Regulatory and Toxicity Issues in Targeted Delivery.