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  • Book
    Kevin M. Koo.
    Summary: This book presents a unique concept of merging nanotechnology and novel urinary biomarkers for accurate early prostate cancer detection, discussing an entire progressive pipeline of innovative new strategies in biosensor development, from a simple colorimetric system to a complex system for simultaneous multiple biomarker sensing. For newcomers to the field of nucleic acid biosensing, it also describes various isothermal amplification and amplification-free strategies, which are currently the main research areas. Lastly, the book introduces and demonstrates the notion of clinical nanobiosensor validation toward clinical translation: the ultimate aim of researchers in the biosensor field. This book is a valuable reference resource learners seeking inspiration for cancer biosensor development.

    Intro; Supervisor's Foreword; Parts of this thesis have been published in the following journal articles:; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; 1 Unifying Next-Generation Biomarkers and Nanodiagnostic Platforms for Precision Prostate Cancer Management; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Next-Generation PCa Biomarkers; 1.3 Existing and Emerging Biomarker-Directed PCa Screening Diagnostics; 1.4 Nano-strategies for Next-Generation PCa Biomarker Detection; 1.5 Challenges in Clinical Translation of Novel Biomarkers and Nano-strategies; 1.6 Conclusions and Future Outlook; References 2 Colorimetric Gene Fusion Diagnostics for Visual Binary Readout2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Materials and Methods; 2.3 Results and Discussion; 2.4 Conclusions; References; 3 Label-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection System for Clinical Biomarker Targets; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Materials and Methods; 3.3 Results and Discussion; 3.4 Conclusions; References; 4 Amplification-Free Electrochemical RNA Biomarker Sensing; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Materials and Methods; 4.3 Results and Discussion; 4.4 Conclusions; References 5 Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Biomarkers via High-Throughput Parallel Profiling5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Materials and Methods; 5.3 Results and Discussion; 5.4 Conclusions; References; 6 Clinical Evaluation of Non-invasive Nanodiagnostics for PCa Risk Stratification; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Materials and Methods; 6.3 Results and Discussion; 6.4 Conclusions; References; 7 Summary and Future Work; 7.1 Summary; 7.2 Future Work; Curriculum Vitae
    Digital Access Springer 2019