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  • Book
    Takashi Gojobori, Tokio Wada, Takanori Kobayashi, Katsuhiko Mineta, editors.
    Summary: This book presents the state-of-art marine metagenome research and explains the method of marine metagenomic analysis in an easy-to-understand manner. Changes in the marine environment due to global warming and pollution have become a major global problem. Maintaining a healthy marine ecosystem requires advanced environmental monitoring and assessment systems. As such, the book presents a novel metagenomic monitoring method, which has been developed for comprehensive analyses of the DNA of microorganisms living in seawater to further our understanding of the dynamics of the marine environment. The book can be used as a primer for new researchers and as a manual on experimental methods.

    Part 1: Technological Aspects of Marine Metagenomics: Sample Collection and preparation methods
    Chapter 1: Metagenomic methods: from seawater to the database
    Chapter 2: Collection of microbial DNA from marine sediments
    Chapter 3: Primer design, evaluation of primer universality and estimation of identification power of amplicon sequences in silico
    Chapter 4: High coverage expression profiling (HiCEP) of microbial community genomes in the ocean
    Part 2: Technological Aspects of Marine Metagenomics: Metagenome Data Analysis
    Chapter 5: Introduction and application of Digital DNA Chip Analysis (DDCA) to metagenomic analysis
    Chapter 6: Horizontal gene transfer in marine environment: a technical perspective on metagenomics
    Chapter 7: MAPLE enables functional assessment of microbiota in various environments
    Part 3: Applications in Ocean and Fisheries Sciences: Diversity and Function of Microbial Community
    Chapter 8: Comparison of microscopic and PCR amplicon and shotgun metagenomic approaches applied to marine diatom communities
    Chapter 9: Seasonal dynamics of bacterial community composition in coastal seawater at Sendai Bay, Japan
    Chapter 10: Shotgun metagenome analyses: seasonality monitoring in Sendai Bay and search for red tide marker sequences
    Chapter 11: Distribution and community composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in coastal sediments in response to sediment material gradients at Sendai Bay, Japan
    Chapter 12: Marine metagenomic sequence counts of reads assigned to taxa consistently proportionate to read counts obtained for per g of sea water sample
    Chapter 13: New aquaculture technology based on host-symbiotic co-metabolism
    Part 4: Applications in Ocean and Fisheries Sciences: Analysis of the Red Tide
    Chapter 14: Influences of diurnal sampling bias on fixed-point monitoring of plankton biodiversity determined using a massively parallel sequencing-based technique
    Chapter 15: Detection of microorg anisms which show positive or negative correlations with red tide causing alga using a new time-series network model.
    Digital Access Springer 2019