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  • Book
    Birbal Singh, Gorakh Mal, Sanjeev K. Gautam, Manishi Mukesh.
    Summary: This book presents significant innovations in animal biotechnology and their relevance to humans. It offers an update on cutting-edge technologies and advances in key aspects of genetic engineering, metagenomics, assisted reproduction, biotechnology in veterinary health, as well as the role of gut and marine microbial ecosystems in industrial development. It also includes chapters on camelids, fishery, designer milk and nutraceuticals from bioengineered organisms and reviews scientific advances such as genomics and transcriptomics with reference to their applications in the animal industry. The chapters from expert authors are organised in five themed parts; Part I "Gut microbiome and nutritional biotechnology", Part II "Assisted reproduction biotechnology", Part III "Livestock genomics", Part IV "Health biotechnology" and Part V "Animal biotechnology in global perspective". Its broad spectrum makes this work a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, academics and students in the field of veterinary and animal production as well as the biotechnological industry.

    Part1: Gut microbiome and nutritional biotechnology
    Metagenomics for utilizing the herbivore gut potential
    Gut/rumen microbiome- a livestock and industrial perspective
    Anaerobic gut fungi- a biotechnological perspective
    Microbial resources from wild and captive animals
    Insect gut- a treasure of microbes and microbial enzymes
    Nutraceuticals from bioengineered organisms
    Designer probiotics: the next-gen high efficiency biotherapeutics
    Part 2: Assisted reproduction biotechnology
    Revolutionary reproduction biotechnologies in livestock: an overview
    Cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos
    Somatic cell nuclear transfer
    Micromanipulation technology in health and assisted reproduction
    Reproduction advances in buffaloes
    Reproduction biotechnology in camelids
    Reproduction biotechnology in cattle
    Reproduction biotechnology in pig
    Biotechnology in wildlife
    Assisted reproduction in equines
    Assisted reproduction in cats and dogs
    Stem cells and cellular reprogramming to advance livestock industry
    Spermatogonial and oogonial stem cells in farm animals
    Parthenogenesis- a potential tool to reproductive biotechnology
    Transgenesis and genetically engineered livestock as live bioreactors
    Animal stem cells- a perspective on their use in human health
    Fish and poultry transgenics
    Part 3: Livestock genomics
    Animal genomics- a current perspective
    Analysis of genome diversity
    Analysis of Genome Mapping
    Generation and analysis of whole genome mapping
    Digital PCR
    Synthetic biology
    Bioinformatics and web-based tools for genome sequence data analysis
    Part 4: Health biotechnology
    Animal biotechnology in human health
    Designer milk
    Marine bio-resources- animals and veterinary applications
    RNA interference (RNAi) technology
    Big from small: micro RNA in relation to veterinary sciences
    Genome editing in farm animals
    Next Generation Se quencing vis-à-vis Veterinary Health Management
    Computer-aided drug discovery
    Part 5: Animal biotechnology in global perspective
    Steps towards sustainable livestock: technologies to conserve and boost the indigenous livestock
    Biotechnology for wildlife
    Non-meat alternatives
    Career opportunities in animal biotechnology
    Intellectual property rights in animal biotechnology.
    Digital Access Springer 2019