Bookeditor, Luiz Henrique Rosa.
Summary: This book focuses on the fungi found in one of the most pristine regions on Earth: Antarctica. It discusses the fungal occurrence in all substrates of the region, including soil, seawater, lake and marine sediments, rocks, ice, and snow. It also addresses the impact of climate changes on these organisms, the genomic techniques developed to study them, and how a number of compounds, such as antibiotics and enzymes, produced by the Antarctic fungi can be used in medicine, agriculture and the chemical industry.
Fungi in Antarctica: Diversity, ecology, effects of climate change, and bioprospection for bioactive compounds
Uncultivated Fungi from Antarctica
Fungi present in soils of Antarctica
Diversity and ecology of fungal assemblages present in lakes of Antarctica
Rock-inhabiting fungi in Antarctica: new frontiers of the edge of life
Fungi in snow and glacial ice of Antarctica
Antarctic permafrost: an unexplored fungal microhabitat at the edge of life
Fungi associated with plants and lichens of Antarctica
Fungus-invertebrate interactions in Antarctica
Sub-Antarctic and Antarctic marine ecosystems: an unexplored ecosystem of fungal diversity
The use of psychrophilic Antarctic yeast in the biological control of post-harvest diseases of fruits stored at low temperatures
Bioactive compounds produced by Antarctic filamentous fungi
Antarctic yeasts as a source of enzymes for biotechnological applications
Antarctic fungi as producers of pigments
Genomics of Antarctic fungi: A new frontier