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  • Book
    Syed Ibrahim Rizvi, Ufuk Çakatay, editors.
    Summary: This book describes the nature of aging, age-related disorders, and the molecular principles of emerging strategies for anti-aging interventions, while also discussing the discovery of targets for geroprotective drugs. Although significant medical advances in the treatment and eradication of life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular and infectious disease have been made over the past five decades, the prevalence of age-related disorders still remains high in older populations. Intervening into aging is the next frontier in contemporary medicine, and will be of increasing importance over time, as other sources of poor health are combated more and more successfully. Given the universal interest in anti-aging strategies, the book will appeal to a very broad audience. It addresses a diverse range of anti-aging interventions - including stem cells, autophagy, senolytics, anti-inflammatory methods, and telomerase induction - that will be of interest to scientists and researchers from various disciplines in the life sciences.

    Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; About the Editors;
    1: Aging Principles and Perspectives for Intervention; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Basis of Survival: Homeostasis Versus Homeodynamics; 1.3 Genetics and Epigenetics of Aging; 1.4 Molecular Mechanisms of Aging; 1.5 Aging Interventions: Treatment, Prevention or Management; 1.5.1 Piecemeal Remedies; 1.5.2 Replenishment and Supplementation; 1.5.3 Strengthening the Homeodynamics; 1.5.4 Gene Therapy and Intelligent Redesigning; 1.6 Recapitulation; References 2.12 Non-coding RNAs and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)2.13 miRNAs and circRNAs as Potential Targets for Neurodegenerative Diseases; 2.14 Progress Being Made; 2.15 Strategies Ahead; 2.16 Advent of Non-coding RNAs as an Early Diagnostic Tool; 2.17 C. elegans as Model Organism to Study the Role of Non-coding RNAs for Neurodegenerative Diseases; 2.18 Future Directions; References;
    3: The Potential Role of Stem Cell Reprogramming in Antiaging; 3.1 Stem Cells and Aging; 3.2 Recent Advances in Cellular Reprogramming Era; 3.3 Molecular Mechanism of Stem Cell Reprogramming
    2: Non-coding RNAs as Potential Targets for Treatment and Early Diagnosis of Age-Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Neurodegenerative Diseases; 2.2.1 Alzheimer's Disease; 2.2.2 Parkinson's Disease; 2.3 Challenges in Treating the Neurodegenerative Diseases; 2.4 Treatments Available; 2.5 Junk DNA Hypothesis; 2.6 Non-coding RNAs; 2.7 History of miRNA; 2.8 Role of Non-coding RNAs in Various Disease Progressions; 2.9 Non-coding RNAs and Alzheimer's Disease; 2.10 Non-coding RNAs and Parkinson's Disease; 2.11 Non-coding RNAs and Huntington's Disease 3.4 Antiaging Strategy with In Vivo and In Vitro Stem Cell Reprogramming3.5 Therapeutic Approaches of Aging; 3.6 Conclusion; References;
    4: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: A Translational Research for Antiaging Strategy; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Stem Cells, Sources, and Its Therapeutic Potential; 4.3 Tissue Engineering for Aging-Associated Disorder; 4.4 Biomaterials; 4.5 Tissue Engineering Strategies for Aging-Associated Liver Disorders; 4.6 Tissue Engineering Strategies for Aging-Associated Cardiovascular Disorders
    Digital Access Springer 2018