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  • Book
    by Tara Karimi.
    Summary: This book presents a novel molecular description for understanding the regulatory mechanisms behind the autonomy and self-organization in biological systems. Chapters focus on defining and explaining the regulatory molecular mechanisms behind different aspects of autonomy and self-organization in the sense of autonomous coding, data processing, structure (mass) formation and energy production in a biological system. Subsequent chapters discuss the cross-talk among mechanisms of energy, and mass and information, transformation in biological systems. Other chapters focus on applications regarding therapeutic approaches in regenerative medicine. Molecular Mechanisms of Autonomy in Biological Systems is an indispensable resource for scientists and researchers in regenerative medicine, stem cell biology, molecular biology, tissue engineering, developmental biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioinformatics, as well as big data sciences, complexity and soft computing.

    Intro; Dedication; Preface; Contents;
    Chapter 1: The Relativity ofCode, Energy, andMass Versus theRelativity ofEnergy andMass; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Biological Systems Are Highly Autonomous; 1.3 Significance andFundamental Applications ofRegulatory Mechanisms ofAutonomy inBiological Systems; 1.4 Chemical Foundation ofLife; 1.5 Physical Foundation ofLife: Thermodynamics andGeneral Relativity ofEnergy andMass; 1.6 Code: TheThird Dimension ofNature's Law; 1.7 Relativity ofCode, Energy, andMass: TheMolecular Mechanism ofAutonomy inBiological Systems; References 2.3 Cognitive Chemistry Algorithm: ABiomimetic Multilayer Molecular Coding Algorithm forSolving NP ProblemsReferences;
    Chapter 3: Molecular Mechanism ofSelf-Organization inBiological Systems; 3.1 An Introduction toSelf-Organization andEmbryonic Organogenesis; 3.2 Potential Applications ofSelf-Organization inTechnology andBiomedical Sciences; 3.3 Remarkable Properties ofSelf-Organization; 3.3.1 Polarity Formation; 3.3.2 Energy Balance; 3.4 Self-Organization Is aBottom-Up Process; 3.5 Developmental Biology ofEmbryonic Organogenesis 3.5.1 Developmental Biology ofAutonomous Morphogenesis andSpontaneous Pattern Formation3.5.2 Developmental Biology ofAutonomous Specification andDifferentiation; 3.5.3 Molecular andPhysical Foundation ofEmbryonic Self-Organization byCognitive Chemistry andRelativity ofCode Energy andMass; References;
    Chapter 4: Molecular Mechanism ofSelf-Fueling inBiological Systems by Relativity ofCode, Energy, andMass; 4.1 Self-Fueling Property ofLiving Systems andtheMaintenance ofCell Organization; 4.2 Photosynthesis: ANatural Sustainable Energy Solution forLife 4.3 Quantum Coherence: TheEfficiency ofSolar Energy Uptake andConversion inPhotosynthesis4.4 Photosynthesis: Quantum Coherence, Energy Transfer, andProduction ofDesigner Mass; 4.5 Photosynthesis: APromising Model Illustrating theRelativity ofCode, Energy, andMass intheNature; 4.6 Photosynthesis Is aCode-Based Energy andMass Transformation System; 4.7 Inspiring fromPhotosynthesis andConstruction ofaCycle ofMolecular Code, Energy, andMass forSustainability; References
    Chapter 2: Molecular Mechanism ofCoding andAutonomous Decision-Making inBiological Systems2.1 Molecular Mechanism ofAutonomous Coding andData Processing Based onPhysical andChemical Foundation ofLife; 2.2 Basic Principles ofCoding andData Processing inBiological Systems; 2.2.1 Information Storage inMolecules andMaterials; 2.2.2 Multilayer Coding; 2.2.3 Molecular Coding and Algorithmic Chemistry; 2.2.4 Inherent andConserved Coding; 2.2.5 Conditional Coding; 2.2.6 Dynamic andDe Novo Coding; 2.2.7 Integration ofSoftware andHardware
    Digital Access Springer 2018