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  • Book
    Jason W. Brooks, editor.
    Summary: This richly illustrated two-volume book offers a comprehensive and essential reference guide for veterinary pathologists and clinical veterinarians interested in performing animal necropsies for forensic casework. It presents a broad range of animal crime cases, with particular focus on the post mortem examination and the observed pathology. This second volume guides readers through the forensic evaluation of animal deaths caused by drowning, fire, electrical, and environmental injuries, poisoning, animal fighting, neglect, and sexual abuse. In addition, it offers practical advice on evaluating anesthesia-related deaths, age estimation, and how to write the necropsy report.

    Drowning and bodies recovered from water / Beverly J. McEwen and Jodie A. Gerdin
    Thermal/electrical injuries / Tabitha C. Viner
    Neglect / N. Bradley-Siemens, A.I. Brower, and R. Reisman
    Environmental injuries / Doris M. Miller
    Poisoning / Lisa A. Murphy and Rebecca Kagan
    Anesthesia-related deaths / Josepha DeLay
    Animal fighting / Rachel Touroo and Robert Reisman
    Animal sexual abuse investigations / Adam W. Stern
    Ritualistic animal killing / Sean P. McDonough and Brian Holoyda
    Writing the necropsy report / Gregory J. Davis and Sean P. McDonough
    Age determination in dogs and cats / Lerah K. Sutton, Jason H. Byrd, and Jason W. Brooks.
    Digital Access Springer 2018