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  • Book
    Artemis Igoumenou, editor.
    Summary: This work explores and discusses the ethical dilemmas clinicians face in everyday forensic psychiatry practice. We discuss and reflect on ethical issues involving treatment decisions such as antipsychotic polypharmacy, high doses antipsychotics and prescribing anti-libidinal medications. Ethical issues surrounding the use of technology for the management of mentally disordered offenders are explored in depth. The use of the polygraph test, a controversial method of truth facilitation for sex offenders, is discussed. Similarly, we discuss the use of "tagging" for serious offenders that despite being used in the United States of America for a while it has been heavily criticized and opposed. Tagging is gradually being introduced in the UK and other European countries, making consideration of the ethical issues and dilemmas surrounding its use both timely and necessary. This work is a valuable guide for clinicians working in forensic psychiatry settings, particularly when faced with ethical dilemmas concerning decisions around interventions.

    Part 1: Clinical Forensic Psychiatry
    Clinical Forensic Psychiatry; Settings and Practices
    Forensic Psychiatry and the Mentally Disordered Offender. Ethical Issues in Treatment Provision within Secure Hospital Environments; Clinical and Legal
    Part 2: Ethical Issues in the Treatment and Management of Sex Offenders
    The Use of Medications for the Treatment of Sex Offenders. Ethical Issues and Controversies
    The Use of Polygraph Test in Clinical Forensic Psychiatry Settings
    Part 3: Ethical Issues in the Assessment, Treatment and Management of Violent Offenders and Sex Offenders
    Ethical Issues Arising from the Prescription of Antipsychotic Medication in Clinical Forensic Settings
    The Many Faces of Surveillance: Ethical Considerations that Encompass the Use of Electronic Monitoring in Criminal and Clinical Populations
    Assessment and Management of Specific Populations.
    Digital Access Springer 2020