BookDeepak S. Patel, editor.
Summary: Concussions are increasing in incidence each year, and each state has a law on management of concussions in children. These factors strengthen the need for primary care providers to be well-versed in the evaluation and management of them. This text provides primary care physicians and clinicians with an evidence-based yet practical approach to diagnosing and treating concussions in children and adults. The book begins with a general overview of concussions. It then goes on to identify risks, signs and symptoms of concussions. Next, physicians and providers learn when and how to perform appropriate physical exams for suspected concussions. The following chapters focus on finding the correct type of testing to perform in suspected concussions. The testing options addressed include diagnostic, neurocognitive and imaging. Return-to-learn and return-to-play recommendations are then discussed to ensure that providers are able to properly educate patients on them. The book concludes by explaining post-concussion syndrome and identifying methods to prevent concussions and complications in the future. Each chapter presents a specific case along with 3-5 followup questions as well as a summary of key concepts. Written from the unique perspective of a primary care physician who also specializes in sports medicine and concussions, Concussion Management for Primary Care is a first-of-its-kind book that serves as a valuable resource for primary care physicians, sports medicine physicians and any other clinician treating patients suffering from a possible concussion.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Concussion
Clinical Case
What is the definition of concussion and how does it happen?
Which providers are best to evaluate and manage concussions?
What is the role of Athletic Trainers and Nurses in evaluation and treatment of concussions?
Are there laws related to concussions?
Are there any good guidelines available for concussion care?
Where can patients find reliable information about concussions?
Chapter 2: Incidence and Risk Factors for Concussions Clinical Case
Question: Are concussions becoming more common?
Children and Adolescent Age Groups
Question: Are concussions more common in older or younger children?
Question: Are concussions in children more common from sports or accidents?
High School
Question: High school football is regularly identified to be associated with concussions, but are there other sports that also have a high incidence?
Question: What are risk factors associated with higher concussion rates in athletes? Question: Although males and females may play similar sports, do their concussion rates vary?
Collegiate Sports
Question: Are rates of SRC less common in college sports?
Professional Sports
Question: We hear about professional players with concussions in the public media, but what is their incidence?
Question: Do military personnel have higher rates of concussions compared to civilians?
Comorbid Neuropsychological Conditions
Question: What medical conditions predispose or complicate the management of concussions? Miscellaneous or Elderly (Non-sports, Nonmilitary)
Question: What are other common causes of concussions excluding sports or military involvement?
Risk Factors (Table 2.1)
Chapter 3: Signs and Symptoms of Concussion
Clinical Case
Question: What are the six domains of signs and symptoms of concussions?
Question: Is loss of consciousness required for a concussion?
Question: What types of headache are common in patients that sustained a concussion?
Question: What are cognitive symptoms of concussion? Question: What are the emotional or mood symptoms of concussion?
Question: What are the ocular symptoms of concussion?
Question: What other domain of concussion is closely related to fatigue?
Question: What are the vestibular symptoms of concussion?
Chapter 4: Physical Examination
Clinical Case
Question: Why are vital signs relevant in concussed patients?
Question: How does a patient's mood and cognitive function impact those with concussion?
Question: What cranial nerve changes can be seen in concussed patients?