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  • Book
    Alan Grafen, Rosie Hails.
    Summary: Model formulae represent a powerful methodology for describing, discussing, understanding, and performing that large part of statistical tests known as linear statistics. The book aims to put this methodology firmly within the grasp of undergraduates.

    1. introduction to analysis of variance
    2. Regression
    3. Models, parameters and GLMs
    4. Using more than one explanatory variable
    5. Designing experiments
    keeping it simple
    6. Combining continuous and categorical variables
    7. Interactions
    getting more complex
    8. Checking the models I: independence
    9. Checking the models II: the other three asumptions
    10. Model selection I: principles of model choice and designed experiments
    11. Model selection II: datasets with several explanatory variables
    12. Random effects
    13. Categorical data
    14. What lies beyond?
    15. Answers to exercises
    App. 1. meaning of p-values and confidence intervals
    App. 2. Analytical results about variances and sample means
    App. 3. Probability distributions.
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