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  • Book
    Rajiv K. Sethi, Anna K. Wright, Michael G. Vitale, editors.
    1: Macro Trends in Healthcare Delivery
    The Spiraling Cost of Healthcare
    Models of Value-Based Reimbursement
    Accountable Care Organization (ACO)
    Bundled Payment of Care Improvement (BPCI)
    Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
    Summary of VBR Models
    Other Macroeconomic Trends
    Price Controls and Decreases in Reimbursement
    New Technology
    Smart Pharmaceuticals and Devices
    Wearable Devices
    Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
    Conclusion: Finding Signal in the Noise 3: The Bree Collaborative Bundle for Lumbar Fusion: Evolution of a Community Standard for Quality
    Identifying and Managing Uncomplicated Back Pain: The Spine Clinic
    Engagement with Employers and the Marketplace Collaborative Model
    Redesigning the Care Pathway for Uncomplicated Back Pain
    Improved Quality and Timeliness of Care for Uncomplicated Back Pain
    Financial Consequences for Providers
    Lessons Learned from Starbucks, the Marketplace Collaborative, and Spine Clinic
    Replicating the Spine Clinic Model
    Lessons Learned from Intel's Collaborative and the Spine Clinic Beyond Spine Clinic: Contributions from Spine Surgery and Orthopedics
    The Robert Bree Collaborative: Putting It All Together
    Bree Collaborative Work Group on Lumbar Fusion
    The Evidence Table
    Cycle One: Standards for Appropriateness for Lumbar Fusion
    Cycle Two: Fitness for Surgery
    Cycle Three: Best Practice Surgery
    Cycle Four: Rapid Return to Function
    The Multidisciplinary Conference
    The Personal Care Partner
    Quality Measures
    The Warranty Against Avoidable Remissions
    Response of Health-Care Stakeholders to Surgical Bundles
    Health Plans Providers
    4: Multidisciplinary Evaluation Improves the Value of Lumbar Spine Care
    Multidisciplinary Conferences
    Multidisciplinary Clinics
    5: Using Lean Process Improvement to Enhance Safety and Value
    What Is Standard Work?
    The Toyota Production System and Its Application in Healthcare
    What Is the Virginia Mason Production System? How Does This System Root Out Variability?
    Cultural Aspects of Hierarchy in Medicine and Surgery (the Old Standard Way)
    Digital Access Springer 2020