BookBernardo Carpiniello, Antonio Vita, Claudio Mencacci, editors.
Summary: This book explores the issue of violence in detail, taking into account the role of contextual factors, as well as the epidemiology, risk factors and clinical aspects of violence related to the main mental disorders. It also offers practical information on its management - from prevention to treatment. Covering all aspects of the problem of violence in mental disorders, the book is divided into four parts: general aspects; risk factors, phenomenology and characteristics of violence in mental disorders; contexts of violence; and prevention and management of violence in mental health. It also discusses violence in the various settings of mental health system, an aspect that has not previously been fully addressed. The volume is intended for all those who are interested in mental health, including scholars, professionals, and students.
Section I General aspects.-Violence as a social, clinical and forensic problem.-Biological basis of violence in mental disorders.-Epidemiology and risk factors for violence in people with mental disorders.-Section II Risk Factors, phenomenology and characteristics of violence in mental disorders.-Violence in major mental disorders
Psychopaty, personality disorders and violence
Substance use disorders and violence.-Violence and PTSD
Major Neurocognitive disorders and violence.-Section III The contexts of violence.-Studying patients with severe mental disorders who act violently: Italian and European projects.-Prevalence and risk factors of violence by psychiatric acute inpatients: systematic review and meta-analysis. A 2019 Update
Violence and mental disorders in Jails.-Violent behavior in Forensic Residential Facilities: the Italian experience after the closure of Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals.-Section IV Prevention and management of violence in mental health
Violence Risk Assessment in mental health.-Psychoparmacology of violent behaviour among people with severe mental disorders.-Non Pharmacological approaches to violence among people with severe mental disorders.