BookCarlos Francisco Silva, Oyunbileg von Stackelberg, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, editors.
Summary: This cutting-edge guide to value-based radiology provides readers with the latest information on all aspects of the subject. Healthcare delivery is experiencing a rapid transition towards a value-based model, the underlying idea being that providers are paid on the basis of patient's health outcomes rather than the total services delivered. Radiology departments are facing many challenges as they attempt to improve operational efficiency, performance, and quality in order to keep pace with this transition. In the first part of this book, readers will find information on the theoretical basis and general concepts of value-based radiology. The second part focuses on value-based practice in specific areas of radiology: neuro/head and neck, thoracic, abdominopelvic, musculoskeletal, breast, cardiovascular, and pediatric. All topics are discussed by prominent experts in a clearly organized and well-illustrated form that will help readers to gain the most from each chapter. The book will be a valuable resource for radiologists and healthcare managers working in public or private institutions, as well as an excellent quick reference guide for all other physicians interested in the topic.
Part I
Theoretical Basis and General Concepts
Value-Based Radiology
A New Era Begins
Patient-Centered Care
The Radiology Consult
Value-Based Management of Incidental Findings
The Value in Artificial Intelligence
The Value in 3D Printing
Incentivizing Radiologists
Part II
Practical Applications in Specific Areas of Radiology
Value-Based Radiology in Neuro/Head and Neck Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in Thoracic Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in MSK Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in Breast Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in Pediatric Imaging
Value-Based Radiology in Cardiovascular Imaging.