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  • Book
    Su-Jung Kim, Ki Beom Kim, editors.
    Summary: This well-illustrated book is an up-to-date guide to orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment delivery in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The aim is to present the latest knowledge on the important contribution that orthodontic modalities can now make in the management of a disorder that has generally been the preserve of sleep doctors. This book comprises three parts of general understanding of OSA and medical approaches, orthodontic diagnostic process, and orthodontic treatment application. In particular, the treatment parts are subdivided into six chapters depending on the patients phenotype and age groups. The readers will come to realize how many modalities are available beyond the previously well-known options, and how important orthodontic contributions are for the treatment of OSA patients. The book will be an excellent resource providing well-organized diagnostic and therapeutic protocols from orthodontic point of view and will also be of value to other practitioners with an interest in OSA.

    Orthodontic diagnosis & planning: Comprehensive understanding of OSA as orthodontists
    Orthodontic diagnosis: Anatomic & functional evaluation of upper airway
    Phenotype-based clinical pathway for orthodontic intervention. Orthodontic treatment modalities: Early growth modification of snoring children with mouth breathing
    Functional training for OSA patients with mouth breathing
    Treatment of OSA adults with transverse skeletal discrepancy: Nasomaxillary skeletal expansion (NMSE)
    Treatment of OSA adults with skeletal deformity I: Mandibular advancement device (MAD)
    Treatment of OSA adults with Skeletal deformity II: Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery.
    Digital Access Springer 2020