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    Kevin C. Chui, Milagros "Millee" Jorge, Sheng-Che Yen, Michelle M. Lusardi.
    Orthotics and prosthetics in rehabilitation: multidisciplinary approach
    Aging and activity tolerance : implications for orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation
    Motor control, motor learning, and neural plasticity in orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation
    Evidence-based approach to orthotic and prosthetic rehabilitation
    Clinical assessment of gait
    Materials and technology
    Footwear: foundation for lower extremity orthoses
    Foot orthoses
    Principles of lower extremity orthoses
    Neurological and neuromuscular disease implications for orthotic use
    Orthoses for knee dysfunction
    Orthoses in orthopedic care and trauma
    Orthoses for spinal dysfunction
    Orthoses in the management of hand dysfunction
    Orthoses in burn care : splinting, orthotics, and prosthetics in the management of burns
    Prescription wheelchairs: seating and mobility systems
    Etiology of amputation
    High-risk foot and wound healing
    Amputation surgeries for the lower limb
    Postoperative and preprosthetic care
    Understanding and selecting prosthetic feet
    Postsurgical management of partial foot and Syme amputation
    Transtibial prosthetics
    Transfemoral prostheses
    Prosthetic options for persons with high-level and bilateral amputation
    Early rehabilitation in lower extremity dysvascular amputation
    Advanced rehabilitation for people with microprocessor knee prostheses
    Athletic options for persons with limb loss
    Rehabilitation for children with limb deficiencies
    Prosthetic options for persons with upper extremity amputation
    Rehabilitation for persons with upper extremity amputation.
    Digital Access ClinicalKey 2020