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  • Book
    edited by Jerome B. Posner, Clifford B. Saper, Nicholas D. Schiff, and Jan Claassen.
    Summary: The fifth edition of 'Plum and Posner's Diagnosis and Treatment of Stupor and Coma' provides a comprehensive overview of the theory behind regulation of consciousness in humans, the mechanisms of loss of consciousness clinically, and the examination and diagnosis of the cause of loss of consciousness in patients. New sections provide the latest information on the treatment of comatose patients, brain death, recovery from structural coma, and the ethics of dealing with comatose patients.

    Pathophysiology of signs and symptoms of coma
    Examination of the comatose patient
    Structural causes of stupor and coma
    Specific causes of structural coma
    Metabolic and diffuse encephalopathies: disruption of the internal milieu
    Psychogenic unresponsiveness
    Initial management of patients with stupor and coma
    Management of frequently encountered causes of unconsciousness
    Prognosis in coma and related disorders of consciousness and mechanisms underlying outcomes
    Brain death.
    Digital Access Oxford 2019
    Print Access Request
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    RB150.C6 P55 2019