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    Jerry A. Shields, Director, Ocular Oncology Services, Wills Eye Hospital, ... Show More Professor of Ophthalmology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Carol L. Shields, Co-Director, Ocular Oncology Services, Wills Eye Hospital, Professor of Ophthalmology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
    Summary: The authors provide guidance on recognition, evaluation, and treatment of ocular tumors, highlighted by more than 3,000 photographs and surgical drawings. This guide to the clinical features, diagnosis, management, and pathology of eyelid, conjunctival, and orbital tumors and pseudotumors, depicting clinical variations, treatment and histopathologic characteristics of the wide spectrum of neoplasms and related lesions includes clinical and scientific innovations.

    Pt. 1. Benign tumors of the eyelid epidermis
    Premalignant and malignant tumors of eyelid epidermis
    Eyelid sebaceous gland tumors
    Eyelid sweat gland tumors
    Eyelid hair follicle tumors
    Eyelid melanocytic tumors
    Neural tumors of the eyelid
    Vascular tumors of the eyelids
    Eyelid lymphoid, plasmacytic, and metastatic tumors
    Eyelid histiocytic, myxoid, and fibrous lesions
    Eyelid cystic lesions simulating neoplasms
    Eyelid inflammatory lesions simulating neoplasms
    Eyelid miscellaneous conditions simulating neoplasms
    Tumors of the lacrimal drainage system
    Surgical management of eyelid tumors
    pt. 2. Tumors of the conjunctiva. Conjunctival and epibulbar choristomas
    Conjunctival benign epithelial tumors
    Premalignant and malignant lesions of the conjunctival epithelium
    Conjunctival melanocytic lesions
    Vascular tumors and related lesions of the conjunctive
    Conjunctival neural xanthomatous, fibrous, myxomatous, and lipomatous tumors
    Conjunctival lymphoid, leukemic, and metastatic tumors
    Caruncular tumors
    Miscellaneous lesions that simulate conjunctival neoplasms
    Surgical management of conjunctival tumors
    pt. 3. Tumors of the orbit. Inflammatory orbital lesions that simulate neoplasms
    Orbital cystic lesions
    Orbital vascular and hemorrhagic lesions
    Orbital peripheral nerve tumors
    Optic nerve, meningeal, and other neural tumors
    Orbital myogenic tumors
    Orbital fibrous connective tissue tumors
    Orbital osseous, fibro-osseous, and cartilaginous tumors
    Orbital lipomatous and myxomatous tumors
    Orbital histiocytic tumors
    Orbital primary melanocytic tumors
    Lacrimal gland primary epithelial tumors
    Orbital metastatic cancer
    Orbital lymphoid tumors and leukemias
    Orbital secondary tumors
    Surgical management of orbital tumors.
    Digital Access Ovid 2016