BookKay Shou-Mei Kane, Vinod E. Nambudiri, Alexander J. Stratigos.
Summary: "Color Atlas & Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology provides large, detailed full-color photographs of skin lesions in children, along with the latest management and treatment recommendations. Modeled after Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, this essential point-of-care companion delivers everything you need to confidently assess, diagnose, and manage diseases of the skin, hair, and nails in pediatric patients encountered in a busy clinical environment." --Publisher's website.
Cutaneous findings in the newborn
Eczematous dermatitis
Diaper dermatitis and rashes in the diaper area
Disorders of epidermal proliferation
Primary bullous dermatoses
Disorders of the sebaceous and apocrine glands
Disorders of melanocytes
Disorders of blood and lymph vessels
Benign epidermal proliferations
Benign appendageal proliferations
Benign dermal proliferations
Disorders of pigmentation
Neurocutaneous disorders
Miscellaneous inflammatory disorders
Hypersensitivity reactions
Photosensitivity and photoreactions
Autoimmune connective tissue diseases
Endocrine disorders and the skin
Skin signs of reticuloendothelial disease
Cutaneous bacterial infections
Cutaneous fungal infections
Rickettsial infection
Cutaneous viral infections
Aquatic infestations
Insect bites and infestations.