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  • Book
    edited by Betty Rolling Ferrell, Judith A. Paice.
    Digital Access Oxford 2019
  • Book
    [Judah M. Eisenberg, Walter Greiner].
    Summary: This third enlarged and revised edition incorporates seven extensive new chapters on the general collective model for low-energy modes. In addition there is a new section 4.4 on coordinate symmetries in the collective model, and a new section 13.8 on the two-center shell model, as well as many changes in text figures, tables and references where experimental ortheoretical developments over the past two decades have brought about new information and understanding. Nielsen 9780444870735 20160528

    1. Varieties of collective motion.
    2. Collective coordinates.
    3. The structure of the collective nuclear Hamiltonian.
    4. The collective potential energy surface.
    5. Quantum mechanics of the rotator.
    6. The rotation-vibration model (RVM).
    7. The asymetric rotator model (ARM).
    8. The general collective model (GCM) for low energy modes.
    9. Magnetic properties of nuclear collective states.
    10. The nuclear octupole surface motion.
    11. The boson approach to collective motion.
    12. Single-particle models.
    13. The deformed shell model - the unified model.
    14. Proton-neutron hydrodynamics.
    15. The dynamic collective model.
    16. Nuclear models and heavy-ion physics.
    17. Nuclear shock waves in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
    18. Elements of nuclear astrophysics. Appendices. References. Index. Nielsen 9780444870735 20160528
    Print 1987-
  • Article
    Shore RM.
    J Pediatr. 1978 Apr;92(4):684-5.
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