BookAli Altalag, Jeremy Road, Pearce Wilcox, Kewan Aboulhosn, editors.
Summary: This review of pulmonary function tests in clinical practice provides a simplified approach to interpreting most diagnostic tests in the field of respiratory medicine. It contains more than 125 illustrated diagrams, 50 tables, and 30 illustrative examples.
Intro; Pulmonary Function Tests in Clinical Practice; Copyright; Preface; Contents;
Chapter 1: Spirometry; Definitions [1, 2]; Forced Vital Capacity (FVC); Forced Expiratory Volume in the First Second (FEV1); FEV1 /FVC Ratio; The Instantaneous Forced Expiratory Flow (FEF25, FEF50, FEF75) and the Maximum Mid-Expiratory Flow (MMEF or FEF25-75); Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF); Spirometric Curves; The Volume-Time Curve (The Spirogram); The Expiratory Flow-Volume Curve (FV Curve); The Maximal Flow-Volume Loop; Technique of Spirometry [1]; The American Thoracic Society (ATS) Guidelines [1, 2] Reference Values [10, 22-27]Grading of Severity; Office Spirometry and FEV6 to Identify Obstructive Lung Disease; Bronchodilator Response; Components of Spirometry; Spirometric Pattern of Common Disorders; Obstructive Disorders; Restrictive Disorders; Upper Airway Obstruction [55-59]; References;
Chapter 2: Lung Volumes; Definitions; See Figure 2.1; Total Lung Capacity (TLC); Residual Volume (RV); Functional Residual Capacity (FRC); Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV); Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV); Inspiratory Capacity (IC); Tidal Volume (VT); SVC or VC; The Terms: "Volume" and "Capacity" (Figure 2.1) [3]Correlation with the FV Curve; Methods for Measuring the Static Lung Volumes; Body Plethysmography (Body Box); Nitrogen Washout Method [1, 7]; Inert Gas Dilution Technique [1, 9, 10]; Radiographic Method (Planimetry or Geometry); Technique for Body Plethysmography; Correlating the Flow Volume Curve with Lung Volumes; Reference Values [1, 6, 18, 21-24]; Components of a Lung Volume Study; Clinical Significance of FRC; Disease Patterns; Defining Air Trapping and Hyperinflation in Obstructive Disorders; References;
Chapter 3: Gas Transfer; Definitions Diffusing Capacity for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO)Alveolar Volume (VA); Single Breath DLCO Technique [1, 5]; Reference Values [11-14]; DLCO Adjustments; Causes of Abnormal DLCO; References;
Chapter 4: Airway Dysfunction, Challenge Testing and Occupational Asthma; Definitions; Airway Dysfunction; Exercise Induced Asthma; Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction; Occupational Asthma; Bronchial Challenge; Methacholine; PD20 or PC20; Background: Asthmatic Bronchoconstriction; Technique; 2-Minute Tidal Breathing Test Using the EW Nebulizer; 5-Breath Dosimeter Test [3] Indications and Contraindications for Methacholine Bronchial ChallengeInterpretation; Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction; Background; Exercise Induced Bronchoconstriction Testing; Technique: Eucapnic Voluntary Hyperventilation; Occupational Asthma (OA) Testing; Background; Technique [59, 60]; References;
Chapter 5: Respiratory Muscle Function and Other Pulmonary Function Studies; Respiratory Muscle Function; Maximal Respiratory Pressures; Indications; Technique; Interpretation; Limitations; Sniff Tests; Transcutaneous Electrical Phrenic Nerve Stimulation; Cough Test