BookDan mon O'Dey.
Intro; Preface; Contents;
1: Introduction; 1.1 A General View; 1.2 Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C); 1.3 Personal Trip to Tanzania; 1.4 The European Community and FGM/C; 1.5 The Ritual of FGM/C and Its Side Effects; 1.5.1 Physical and Psychological Damage; 1.5.2 Psychological Damage Without Physical Correlate; 1.6 Other Acquired Deformities; 1.6.1 Nonneoplastic Disorders; 1.6.2 Neoplastic Disorders; 1.6.3 Inflammatory Diseases; 1.6.4 Functional Disorders; 1.7 Justifying Indication for Reconstruction in FGM/C Patients; 1.7.1 Importance of Reconstructive Surgery 1.7.2 Importance of Defibulation by Means of a Vulvar Opening Versus Vulvar Reconstruction in FGM/C Type III PatientsLiterature;
2: Basic Consideration; 2.1 Clinical Setting; 2.2 Patient Management; 2.3 Clinical Management; 2.4 Anatomy; 2.4.1 Region of the Clitoris; 2.4.2 Region of the Minor and Major Labias; 2.4.3 Region of the Genitofemoral Sulcus; 2.5 Pathology; Literature;
3: Procedures; 3.1 General Perspective; 3.1.1 Surgical Instruments; 3.1.2 Planning; 3.1.3 Anesthesia and Preparation; 3.1.4 Positioning; 3.1.5 Perforator Dissection; 3.2 Clitoral Reconstruction 3.2.1 General Perspective3.2.2 Reconstruction of the Prepuce Using the Omega-Domed Flap (OD Flap); Importance of the Clitoral Prepuce and the OD Flap; Operative Procedure of the OD Flap; 3.2.3 Reconstruction of the Clitoral Glans: The Neurotizing and Molding of the Clitoral Stump (NMCS) Procedure (Video 3.1); 3.3 Complex Vulvar Reconstruction Following FGM Type III (Infibulation); 3.3.1 General Perspective; 3.3.2 Vulvar Reconstruction with the Anterior Obturator Artery Perforator Flap (aOAP Flap); General Perspective The aOAP Flap Procedure (Video 3.2) Advanced Vulvar Reconstruction with the aOAP Flap: The Split-aOAP Flap Technique; Full Vulvar Reconstruction After Vulvectomy (Video 3.3); Reconstruction in FGM Type IV; Algorithm for Complex Vulvar Reconstruction; 3.4 Adjunctives; 3.5 Postoperative Care; 3.5.1 Clitoral and Prepuce Reconstruction; 3.5.2 Complex Vulvar Reconstruction; 3.6 Management of Complications; 3.6.1 General Perspective; 3.6.2 Primary Complication; Pain; Swelling; Hematoma; Infection Vascular Insufficiency and Tissue Loss3.6.2.6 Psychological Distress; 3.6.3 Secondary Complications; Scarring; Hair Growth of the Vestibule or Vaginal Introitus; Folliculitis of the Vestibule or Vaginal Introitus; 3.7 Personal Perspective and Epilog; Literature