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  • Book
    Michael T. Wright, Krystyna Kongats, editors.
    Summary: "This groundbreaking resource explores core issues in participatory health research (PHR) and traces its global emergence as a force for improving health and well-being, health care services and quality of life."--Publisher.

    Central ThemesIntroduction:Michael WrightBuilding Consensus, Celebrating Diversity: The Work of the International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research:Michael WrightWhat is Participatory Health Research?Michael Wright, Jane SpringettEthics in Participatory Health Research:Sarah BanksEvaluating Participatory Health Research:Nina Wallerstein, John Oetzel, Jane SpringettThe Challenges of Reviewing the Participatory Health Research Literature:Jon Salsberg, Janet HarrisChildren and Participatory Health Research:Lisa GibbsThe Role of Participatory Health Research in Training Health Professionals:Irma BritoDemonstrating Impact in Participatory Health Research:Tina Cook, Jane SpringettThe Role of Theory in Participatory Health Research:Sónia AcioliRegional PerspectivesParticipatory Health Research in Portuguese-Speaking Countries: A Review:Irma BritoPartKommPlus
    The German Research Consortium for Healthy Communities:Michael WrightParticipatory Health Research and Post-Colonial Scholarship in Latin America:Francisco MercadoParticipatory Research in Health Care Organizations in North America: A Review:Paula Bush, Jon SalsbergParticipatory Health Research for Planning Work in Sweden:Margareta RämgårdParticipatory Health Research for Improving Healthcare in the Netherlands:Tineke AbmaA History of Participatory Health Research in North America: A Look Back From Where We Are Today:Jon SalsbergParticipatory Health Research in the UK and Ireland:Jane Springett, Siobhán O'Higgins.
    Digital Access Springer 2018