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  • Book
    Eric L. Chang, Paul D. Brown, Simon S. Lo, Arjun Sahgal, John H. Suh, editors.
    Summary: This book elucidates the radiation therapy protocols and procedures for the management of adult patients presenting with primary benign and malignant central nervous system tumors. With the development of new treatment strategies and rapid advancement of radiation technology, it is crucial for radiation oncologists to maintain and refine their knowledge and skills. Dedicated exclusively to adult CNS radiation oncology, this textbook explores CNS tumors ranging from the common to the esoteric as well as secondary cancers of metastatic origin. The first half of the book is organized anatomically: tumors of the brain, spinal cord, leptomeninges, optic pathway, ocular choroid, and skull base. The second half covers primary CNS lymphoma, rare CNS tumors, metastatic brain disease, vascular conditions of the CNS, radiation-associated complications, and radiation modalities. Each chapter provides guidance on treatment field design, target delineation, and normal critical structure tolerance constraints in the context of the disease being treated. Learning objectives, case studies, and Maintenance of Certification Self-Assessment Continuing Medical Education-style questions and answers are incorporated throughout the book. This is an ideal guide for radiation oncologists, residents, and fellows, but medical students may also find value in the text.

    Pituitary Adenoma: Overview and Treatment Approaches
    Vestibular Schwannoma
    Low Grade Glioma
    High Grade Gliomas
    Schwannomas and Neurofibromas
    Spinal Meningioma
    Astrocytic Tumors of Spinal Cord
    Spinal Cord Ependymoma
    Metastatic Epidural Spinal Cord Compression: Conventional Radiotherapy
    Vertebral Body Metastasis
    Evaluation and Workup of Leptomeningeal Disease
    Palliative Radiation Therapy for Leptomeningeal Disease
    Optic Pathway Gliomas
    Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
    Uveal Melanoma
    Skull Base Tumors
    Combined Modality Therapy for Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
    Choroid Plexus Tumors
    Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Hemangioblastomas
    NF2 Related Tumors and Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors
    Germ Cell Tumors
    Pineal Region Tumors
    Glomus Tumors
    Adult Medulloblastoma
    Intracranial Ependymoma
    Central Neurocytoma
    Prognostic Classification Systems for Brain Metastases
    Neurosurgical Management of Single Brain Metastases
    Multiple Brain Metastases
    Postoperative Treatment for Brain Metastasis
    Vascular Malformation Radiosurgery
    Adult CNS Radiation Oncology: Trigeminal Neuralgia
    Brain Radionecrosis
    Spinal Cord Tolerance and Risk of Radiation Myelopathy
    Radiation Optic Neuropathy
    Cerebral Atrophy and Leukoencephalopathy Following Cranial Irradiation
    Neurocognitive Changes
    Cranial Nerve Palsies, Vascular Damage, and Brainstem Injury
    Conformal Therapy and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy/Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy
    Linac Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy
    Gamma Knife® Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Hypo-Fractionated Stereototatic Radiotherapy
    Spinal Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy
    Proton Beam Therapy (For CNS Tumors)
    Digital Access Springer 2018