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  • Book
    Jean Watson.
    Original text on caring science
    Transpersonal caring and unitary views of science
    Extant caring theories as metaphysical, meta-ethical, meta-narrative to guide caring science
    Existential crisis in science and human sciences: continuing journey toward caring science
    Working assumptions for caring science
    Metaphysics and science: can there be a re/union? A contemporary case for moral-metaphysics ground for caring science: approaching the holy and the sacred
    The ethical demand: Knud Logstrup: holding other in our hands
    Caring and science: a contemporary orientation
    Caring science as disciplinary foundation for health sciences
    Professional/personal remembering
    Evolving consciousness: caring and cosmic love as a universal field
    Love and the heart's code?: emerging field of cardio-energetics and heart-centered living
    Holding holy space in our face, hands and heart
    From "facing our humanity" to "faces of water": artistic reflections revealing how different states of consciousness affect our world
    Metaphysical-ontological mandala for a caring science wheel of knowledge
    Re-patterning self for caring-healing
    Personal remembering: practicing personal forgiveness, gratitude, surrendering
    Human evolving for caring science and healing.
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