BookSusan M. Lee, Patrick Palmieri, Jean Watson, editors.
Global advances in human caring literacy / Jean Watson [US]
Advancing caritas literacy in practice, education, and health systems / Susan Lee [US]
Building global caritas community through online education / Kathleen Sitzman [US]
The caring science imperative : a hallmark in nursing education / Jacqueline Whelan [Ireland]
The use of simulation to strengthen humanistic practice among nursing students in the Canton of Vaud / Philippe Delmas [Switzerland]
Thinking, acting, and leading through caring science literacy / Sara Horton-Deutsch [US]
The co-emergence of caritas nursing and professional nursing practice in Peru / Patrick Palmieri [Peru]
Creating intentionality and heart-centered leadership in the hospital setting / Jacqueline Somerville [US]
Relational caring inquiry (RCI) : the added value of caring ontology in nursing research / Chantal Cara [Canada]
Collaborative action research and evaluation (care) : relational inquiry for promoting caring science literacy / Marcia Hills [Canada]
Spirituality and nursing : United States and Ukraine / Gayle Casterline [Heuristics: Ukraine and US]
Seeing the person through the patient : a human caring reference model for health care and research / Sandra Vacchi [Italy]
Practices of caring : a South African perspective / Charlene Downing [South Africa]
A conceptual framework for midwifery in South Africa / Anna Nolte [South Africa]
Caritas for society's safe-keepers : upholding human dignity and caring / Joseph Giovanonni [US]
Giving voice through caritas nursing / Maryanne T. Sandberg [US]
Caring practices in an era of conflict : Middle East nurses / Julie Benbenishty [Israel]
Japanese caritas for peace and change / Mayumi Tsutsui [Japan]
Caritas arts for healing / Mary Rockwood Lane [US].
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