BookMichael S. Freemark, editor.
Summary: "This second edition of Freemark’s text embodies all of the strengths of the original work but is deeper and broader in scope, with new chapters on emerging themes including metabolomics, genomics, and the roles of gastrointestinal hormones, the microbiome, brown adipose tissue, and endocrine disruptors in the pathogenesis of childhood obesity. Reviews of the effects of weight excess on cognitive performance and immune function complement detailed analyses of the biochemical and molecular pathways controlling the development of childhood adiposity and metabolic disease. Critical assessments of nutritional interventions (including new chapters on infant feeding practices and vegetarian diets) and superb reviews of behavioral counseling, pharmacotherapy, and bariatric surgery provide practical guidance for the management of overweight children. Penetrating analyses of the obesity epidemic in its social, cultural, economic, and political contexts highlight challenges and opportunities for obesity prevention and community action. The perspective is international in scope and reflects the expertise and experience of many of the leading figures in the field"--Publisher's description.
Part I: The obesity epidemic: a global perspective. Childhood obesity in the modern age: global trends, determinants, complications, and costs
Part II: Hormonal and metabolic control of appetite, fat deposition, and energy expenditure. Central control of energy metabolism and hypothalamic obesity
Gastrointestinal hormones and the control of food intake and energy metabolism
The gut microbiome and control of weight gain
Part III: Adipocyte development and function in obesity and insulin resistance. White adipose tissue development and function in children and adolescents: preclinical models
White adipose tissue accumulation and dysfunction in children with obesity
Brown adipose tissue and body weight regulation
Part IV: The genetics of childhood obesity. Monogenic obesity
Syndromic obesity
Polygenic obesity
Part V: Pre- and peri-natal determinants of childhood obesity. Maternal determinants of childhood obesity: maternal obesity, weight gain and smoking
Fetal and infancy growth
Intrauterine exposure to maternal diabetes and childhood obesity
Endocrine disruptors as obesogens
Part VI: The roles of diet and energy expenditure in obesity pathogenesis and complications. Early feeding practices and development of childhood obesity
Dietary interventions in the treatment of paediatric obesity
Vegetarian diets and pediatric obesity
Energy expenditure in children: the role of neat (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
Part VII: Metabolic complications of childhood obesity. Obesity and the endocrine system, part I: pathogenesis of weight gain in endocrine and metabolic disorders
Obesity and the endocrine system, part II: the effects of childhood obesity on growth and bone maturation, thyroid and adrenal function, sexual development, and bone mineralization
Metabolomic signatures and metabolic complications in childhood obesity
Immune function in obesity
Pathogenesis of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in childhood obesity
Youth-onset type 2 diabetes
Pathogenesis and management of dyslipidemia in obese children
Fatty liver disease
Pathogenesis of hypertension and renal disease in obese children
Sleep-disordered breathing and sleep duration in childhood obesity
Pediatric metabolic syndrome: long-term risks for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Childhood obesity, atherogenesis, and adult cardiovascular disease
Childhood obesity and cognitive function
Part VIII: Treatment of childhood obesity: lifestyle intervention. Family-based behavioral interventions for childhood obesity
Exercise and childhood obesity
School- and community-based interventions for childhood obesity
Part IX: Pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery for obesity and co-morbidities. Role of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of pediatric obesity and its comorbidities
Pathogenesis and management of adiposity and insulin resistance in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Prevention and treatment of obesity and metabolic dysfunction in children with major behavioral disorders: second-generation antipsychotics
Bariatric surgery in adolescents
Part X: Challenges to long-term success. The role of the primary care provider in long-term counseling: establishing a therapeutic alliance with the child and family
The sociocultural context for obesity prevention and treatment in children and adolescents: influences of ethnicity and gender
Part XI: The future of childhood obesity in the global marketplace
Fast-food value chains and childhood obesity: a global perspective
Why we need local, state, and national policy-based approaches to improve children’s nutrition in the United States