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    prepared by Bernard L. Madison and Therese A. Hart for the Committee on the Mathematical Sciences in the year 2000 ; Mathematical Sciences Education Board [and] Board on Mathematical Sciences, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources, National Research Council.
    Summary: A Challenge of Numbers describes the circumstances and issues centered on people in the mathematical sciences, principally students and teachers at U.S. colleges and universities. A healthy flow of mathematical talent is crucial not only to the future of U.S. mathematics but also as a keystone supporting a technological workforce. Trends in the mathematical sciences' most valuable resource--its people--are presented narratively, graphically, and numerically as an information base for policymakers and for those interested in the people in this not very visible, but critical profession. Nielsen 9780309041904 20190121

    1 Front Matter
    2 1 Introduction and Historical Perspective
    3 2 The U.S. Labor Force and Higher Education
    4 3 College and University Mathematical Sciences
    5 4 Majors in Mathematics and Statistics
    6 5 Mathematical Scientists in the Workplace
    7 6 Issues and Implications
    8 Bibliography
    9 Appendix Tables. Nielsen 9780309041904 20190121
    Digital Access 1990