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  • Book
    Robert J. Habicht, Mangla S. Gulati, editors.
    Summary: This practical resource provides hospitalists of all levels a comprehensive foundation for understanding the critical elements of hospital medicine. Beginning with an overview of the healthcare system, chapters provide relevant insights on management, regulations, evidence-based approaches, an awareness of safety and economic concerns and professional development skills. Perspectives on how hospitalist and hospital medicine teams can effectively engage this system to provide cost-effective, high-quality care are offered throughout this volume. With real-world guidance on the major tenets of hospital medicine, Hospital Medicine will serve as the definitive guide to a successful career in this rapidly evolving specialty.

    Primer on the healthcare system / Norman F. Retener and Andrew Delapenha
    Knowing yourself and your style / Neda Frayha and Robert J. Habicht
    Planning for a career in hospital medicine / Kathryn Novello Silva and Abel Joy
    Common career pitfalls : real-world guidance of common mistakes to avoid that may impact a hospitalist's ability to be successful / Christopher Jason and Himati P. Patel
    Goal setting : effective strategies to plan for a successful career / Christopher Jason and Lana R. Elpert
    Work-life balance and preventing burnout / Lana R. Elpert and Lee-Ann Wagner
    Women in medicine / Ada Ibe Offurum, Kathrun Novello Silva and Mangla S. Gulati
    Basics of billing and coding : a primer for the new hospitalist attending / Himati P. Patel and Negin J. Ahadi
    Incorporating evidence-based medicine into your daily life / Negin J. Ahadi and Robert J. Habicht
    Interprofessional collaboration / Abel Joy and Philip C. Dittmar
    Transitions of care / Danielle Y. Baek and Nidhi Goel
    Patient experience / Brian E. Edwards and Christopher Jason
    Consultative medicine and co-management / Lee-Ann Wagner and Saverio Mirarchi
    Introduction to patient safety and quality / Mangla S. Gulati and Kathryn Novello Silva
    Financial and regulatory drivers in health care / Mangla S. Gulati and Shiva K. Ganji
    Demonstrating value and gaining visibility : 13 key questions to success / Ada Ibe Offurum
    Cost-conscious care / Philip C. Dittmar and Brian E. Edwards
    Managing from the middle / Ada Ibe Offurum
    Teaching and feedback / Darlene Tad-y and Ethan Cumbler
    Engaging others in patient safety and quality improvement / Darlene Tad-y and Patrick Kneeland
    Introduction to research as an early career hospitalist / Nidhi Goel and Robert J. Habicht.
    Digital Access Springer 2017