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  • Book
    [edited by] Eugene Yu, Reza Forghani.
    Anterior cranial fossa, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses / Sheldon D.S. Derkatch, Ian J. Witterick, Scott V. Bratman, Almudena Perez-Lara, Hugh D. Curtin, and Reza Forghani
    Sellar, parasellar, and clival region / Amy W. Lin, Walter Kucharczyk, Ehab Y. Hanna, Brian O'Sullivan, and Eugene Yu
    Cerebellopontine angle and jugular fossa / Laila S. Alshafai, Chris Heyn, John A. Rutka, Arjun Sahgal, Vincent Lin, Michael D. Cusimano, Sean Symons, Nabeel S. Alshafai, and Peter Som
    Petroclival and lateral skull base / Rickin Shah, Gregory J. Basura, and Ashok Srinivasan
    Open and endoscopic approaches to the sinonasal cavity and skull base / Nidal Muhanna, Christopher J. Chin, Allan D. Vescan, and John R. De Almeida
    Post-treatment appearance following skull base therapy / Adam A. Dmytriw, John A. Rutka, Arjun Sahgal, Eugene Yu, and Peter Som
    Neuroendovascular procedures for skull base neoplasia / Adam A. Dmytriw and Aditya Bharatha
    Cross-sectional CT and MRI imaging atlas of the skull base / Almudena Perez-Lara, Eugene Yu, and Reza Forghani.
    Digital Access
    Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
    Thieme MedOne Radiology
    Thieme MedOne Otolaryngology
  • Article
    Dyson DA, Smith GR.
    Res Vet Sci. 1977 Sep;23(2):252-4.
    When incorporated in solid medium at a concentration of 15 per cent, the defibrinated blood of certain horses strongly suppressed the growth of some, but not all, strains of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides so that many colonies failed to develop to a visible size. Blood from a single rabbit was tested and found to exert a similar effect. There was striking variation in the degree of inhibition produced by different samples of horse blood and, of five strains of the organism examined, the T1 vaccine strain was the most susceptible. The results suggested that the effect was not due to antibody.
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