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  • Book
    Matthew Pitt.
    Summary: Paediatric Electromyography is a single-author textbook which covers the full range of applications of the techniques of nerve conduction and electromyography (EMG) in children from the neonatal period to the late teenage years. It comprises five sections. Section 1 in its first chapter, gives a detailed introduction to the different skills that are needed to effect successful interventions in paediatric EMG. The emphasis here is that paediatric EMG is not simply adult EMG applied to younger subjects.

    Basic physiology
    Nerve physiology
    Pathophysiological correlations in neuropathies
    Nerve damage and entrapment syndromes
    Motor unit anatomy and physiology
    Needle EMG findings in different pathologies
    Investigation of channelopathies
    Techniques used to test the neuromuscular junction in children
    Pthophysiological associations in paediatric neuromuscular junction disorders
    Results of the clinical application of SPACE in suspected disorders of the neuromuscular junction
    More advanced techniques.
    Digital Access Oxford 2018