Bookedited by Vincenzo Savini.
Summary: Pet-to-Man Travelling Staphylococci: A World in Progress explores Staphylococci, a dangerous pathogen that affects both humans and animals with a wide range of infection states. This bacteria can spread rapidly as a commensal organism in both humans and pets, and is an agent of disease. Staphylococci are potentially highly virulent pathogens which require urgent medical attention. In addition, Staphylococci remain a threat within hospital environments, where they can quickly spread across a patient population. This book explores the organisms' resistance to many compounds used to treat them, treatment failure and multidrug resistant staphylococci, amongst other related topics.
1. Staphylococcal taxonomy
2. Staphylococcal ecology and epidemiology
3. Coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative staphylococci human diseases
4. Coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative staphylococci animal diseases
5. Transfer of staphylococci and related genetic elements
6. Food-borne transmission of staphylococci
7. The staphylococcal coagulases
8. The stafphylococcal hemolysins
9. The staphylococcal panton-valentine leukocidin (PVL)
10. The staphylococcal exfoliative toxins
11. Extracellular proteases of Staphylococcus spp.
12. Staphylococcal lipases
13. Staphylococcal bacteriocins
14. Phage-associated virulence determinants of Staphylococcus aureus
15. Diagnostics: routine identification on standard and chromogenic media, and advanced automated methods
16. Molecular identification and genotyping of Staphylococci: genus, species, strains, clones, lineages, and interspecies exchanges
17. Methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
18. In vivo resistance mechanisms: Staphylococcal biofilms
19. Autovaccines in individual therapy of Staphylococcal infections
20. Experimental animal models in evaluation of Staphylococcal pathogenicity
21. Application of staphylococci in the food industry and biotechnology