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  • Book
    Eduardo E. Benarroch, Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, Kelly D. Flemming.
    Integrated neuroscience for the clinician
    Neuroembryology and development of the nervous system
    Anatomical localization
    Neurocytology and pathologic reactions of the nervous system
    Sensory system
    Motor system
    Autonomic nervous system
    Emotion system
    Consciousness system
    Ventricular and cerebrospinal fluid system
    Vascular system
    Peripheral level
    Spinal level
    Posterior fossa level : brainstem and cranial nerve nuclei
    Posterior fossa level : cerebellar, auditory, and vestibular systems
    Diencephalon : thalamus, hypothalamus, and visual system
    Supratentorial level : cerebral hemisphe.
    Digital Access Oxford 2017