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  • Book
    Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A., Chairman and Katharine Dexter McCormick and Stanley McCormick Memorial Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California.
    Summary: "Emphasizing clinical realities over abstract theories, A Critical Guide to Psychiatric Ethics thoroughly illustrates and applies the ethics principles and practices that instruct psychiatric practice. This valuable text provides keen and trustworthy navigation for ethical dilemmas encountered in the roles and settings in which clinicians engage." -- Back cover

    Ethics principles and professionalism
    Clinical decision-making and ethics skills
    The tradition of the psychotherapeutic relationship
    Informed consent and decisional capacity
    Ethical use of influence and the role of physician in high-risk situations
    Confidentiality and truth telling
    Children and transitional age youth
    People in small communities
    People from culturally distinct populations
    People living with HIV/AIDS
    People at the end of life
    Difficult patients
    People living with addictions
    Integrity and the professional roles of psychiatrists
    Patient care ethics committees and consultation services
    Clinician well-being and impairment
    Psychiatric research
    Innovation in psychiatry
    Clinical training
    Population health and evolving systems of care.
    Print Unavailable: Checked out Recall Item
    Call Number
    Books: General Collection (Downstairs)
    RC455.2.E8 R628 2016