Book[edited by] Min S. Park, Philipp Taussky, Felipe C. Albuquerque, Cameron G. McDougall.
Summary: From detachable balloons and GDC coils to the recent advent of flow diversion, practitioners of have endovascular neurosurgery been fortunate to work in an era of rapid and exciting advances. The first commercially available flow diverter in the U.S. was approved specifically for a small subset of cerebral aneurysms. Recent experience has demonstrated its utility in treating challenging or otherwise untreatable aneurysms, safely and efficaciously. The design of these devices requires learning radically different methods than those used in the deployment of other, non-braided stents. Flow Diver.
The beginnings of flow diversion : a historical review / Ajay K. Wakhloo, Baruch B. Lieber
Theoretical basis of flow diversion / Anthony Fiorella
Review of current literature and occlusion results / Philip G.R. Schmalz, Paul M. Foreman, Avra Laarakker, Mark R. Harrigan
Coil embolization versus flow diversion / Jeffrey Steinberg, Peter Abraham, Jeffrey Pannell, Alexander Khalessi
On-label use (illustrative cases) / Lynn B. McGrath Jr., John D. Nerva, Louis J. Kim
Off-label use / Dennis J. Rivet II, John Reavey-Cantwell, Christopher J. Moran
Flow diversion in ruptured aneurysms / Arthur Wang, Michael F. Stiefel
Pharmacology for flow diversion / Amin Nima Aghaebrahim, Andrew F. Ducruet
Overview of current flow-diverting devices / Pedro Aguilar-Salinas, Bartley Mitchell, Douglas Gonsales, Ricardo A. Hanel, Eric Sauvageau
Techniques and nuances of pipeline deployment / Edison P. Valle-Giler, Ryan Hebert, Stavrapola Tjoumakaris, Pascal Jabbour, Robert Rosenwasser
Technique and nuances of silk deployment (Balt Extrusion) / Or Cohen-Inbar, Jason M. Davies, Yaaqov Amsalem, Elad I. Levy
Technique and nuances of surpass streamline flow diverter / Ajay K. Wakhloo, Baruch B. Lieber
Technique and nuances of deployment of the flow-redirection endoluminal device / Bradley A. Gross, Felipe C. Albuquerque, Karam Moon, Cameron G. McDougall
Adjuvant techniques to improve flow diversion / William R. Stetler Jr., W. Christopher Fox
Flow diverters for brain aneurysm treatment : intraprocedural complications and management / Bartley Mitchell, Pedro Aguilar-Salinas, Amin Aghaebrahim, Eric Sauvageau, Ricardo A. Hanel
Postprocedural complications / M. Yashar S. Kalani, Min S. Park, Philip Taussky, Cameron McDougall
Flow diversion grading scales / Min S. Park, Marcus Mazur, Phillip Taussky
Radiographic imaging after flow diversion / Scott Mcnally
Management of aneurysm residuals following treatment with flow diverters / R. Webster Crowley, Robert M. Starke
Hemodynamic modifications of flow-diverting stents / Shervin Rahimpour, Priya Nair, David Frakes, L. Fernando Gonzalez
Future developments/research / Adam S. Arthur, Christopher Nickele, Brandon Burnsed.