Bookedited by Jennifer L. Hefner, Timothy R. Huerta, Ann Scheck McAlearney, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA.
Summary: Aspects of health care organizations discussed in the volume include the PCMH, ACOs, integration with the public health and mental health systems, hospital-physician alignment, and resource planning.
Strategic re-design of team-based patient-focused healthcare services / Denise C. Tahara, Richard P. Green
Community-level sociodemographic characteristics and patient-centered medical home / Larry R. Hearld, Kristine R. Hearld, Tory H. Hogan
Engaging the healthcare team through operations councils : strategies to improve population health from within / Susan Moffatt-Bruce [and others]
Using teams to implement personalized health care across a multi-site breast cancer network / Sarah Lewis [and others]
A business planning model to identify new safety net clinic locations / James Langabeer II [and others]
Answering the call for integrating population health : insights from health system executives / Erik Carlton
Population health management in integrated physical and mental health care / Cynthia J. Sieck, Thomas Wickizer, Laurel Geist
Population, community and public health : measuring the benefits / Jason S. Turner, Connie Evashwick
The evolving model of health care in the United States : system change is not enough / Randell Wexler
Payment models to support population health management / Timothy R. Huerta, Jennifer L. Hefner, Ann Scheck McAlearney.