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  • Book
    edited by Brendan McCormack, Sandra van Dulmen, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl, Tom Eide.
    Person-centredness in healthcare policy, practice and research / Brendan McCormack, Sandra van Dulmen, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl, and Tom Eide
    Philosophical perspectives on person-centredness for healthcare research / Jan Dewing, Tom Eide and Brendan McCormack
    The knowing and being of person-centred research practice across worldviews : an epistemological and ontological framework / Angie Titchen, Shaun Cardiff, and Stian Biong
    Being a person-centred researcher : principles and methods for doing research in a person-centred way / Gaby Jacobs, Famke van Lieshout, Marit Borg, and Ottar Ness
    Research into person-centred healthcare technology : a plea for considering humanisation dimensions / Gaby Jacobs, Teatske van der Zijpp, Famke van Lieshout, and Sandra van Dulmen
    A participatory approach to person-centred research : maximising opportunities for recovery / Larry Davidson, Chyrell Bellamy, Elizabeth Flanagan, Kimberly Guy, and Maria O'Connell
    Co-creating flourishing research practices through person-centred research : a focus on persons living with dementia / Kirsti Skovdahl and Jan Dewing
    Leadership research : a person-centred agenda / Tom Eide and Shaun Cardiff
    Staffing structures for effectiveness in person-centred care : the rafaela system / Lisbeth Fagerström
    Giving voice to 'hard to reach groups' in healthcare research : a narrative approach / Catherine Buckley
    Promoting health across the lifespan : a systems approach / Elisabeth Fosse, Steffen Torp, and Ingun Stang
    How knowledge developed through ethnography may inform person-centred healthcare practices / Kristin Briseid, Astrid Skatvedt and Brendan McCormack
    Person-centred technology-supported interventions / Sandra van Dulmen, Espen Brembo, Janne Dugstad, and Hilde Eide
    Learning to be an effective person-centred practitioner / Caroline Williams and Brendan McCormack
    Doing eye and vision research in a person-centred way / Rigmor C. Baraas, Lene A. Hagen, Hilde R. Pedersen, and Jon V. B. Gjelle
    Person-centred communication research : systematic observation of real life practice / Hilde Eide, Linda Hafskjold, Vibeke Sundling, and Sandra van Dulmen
    Introducing sex and gender-sensitive person-centred healthcare research / Stina Öresland and Sylvia Määttä
    Future directions for person-centred healthcare research / Sandra van Dulmen, Brendan McCormack, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdal, and Tom Eide.
    Digital Access Wiley 2017