Book[edited by] Samir S. Taneja, Ojas Shah.
Impact of host factors and comorbid conditions
Preoperative pulmonary assessment and management of pulmonary complications
Preoperative cardiac assessment and management of perioperative cardiac complications
Preoperative hematologic assessment and management of hematologic complications
Metabolic complications of urologic surgery
Anesthetic complications in urologic surgery
Infectious complications of urologic surgery
Classification of complications and assessment of quality of care
Complications of the incision and patient positioning
Management of vascular complications in urology
Management of bowel complications
Management of urinary fistula
Management of urine leak
Management of ureteral injury
Management of complications related to traumatic injuries
Urologic surgery in the obese
Urologic surgery in the pregnant patient
Management of complications of gender confirmation surgery
Complications of genitourinary surgery in the irradiated pelvis
Prostate biopsy complications
Complications of upper tract drainage
Complications of intravesical therapy
Complications of renal tissue ablation
Complications of prostate cryosurgical ablation
Complications of transurethral resection of bladder tumors
Complications of endoscopic procedures for benign prostatic hyperplasia
Complications of ureteroscopic surgery
Complications of percutaneous renal surgery
Complications of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Special considerations in laparoscopy
Special considerations in robot-assisted surgery
Complications of robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
Complications of robotic pelvic floor reconstruction
Complications of laparoscopic/robotic nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy
Complications of robotic upper urinary tract reconstruction
Complications of robotic cystectomy
Complications of nephrectomy
Complications of open partial nephrectomy
Complications of adrenal surgery
Complications of lymphadenectomy
Complications of radical cystectomy and urinary diversion
Complications of radical retropubic prostatectomy
Complications of ureteral reconstructive surgery
Complications of renal transplantation
Complications of conduit urinary diversion
Complications of continent cutaneous diversion
Complications of orthotopic neobladder
Complications of bladder augmentation and surgery for neurogenic bladder
Complications of female incontinence surgery
Complications of surgery for male incontinence
Complications of urethral reconstruction
Complications of surgery for erectile dysfunction and peyronie's disease
Complications of surgery of the testicle, vas deferens, epididymis, and scrotum
Special considerations in the pediatric patient
Complications of pediatric endoscopic surgery
Complications of pediatric laparoscopic and robotic surgery
Complications of surgery for posterior urethral valves
Complications of ureteral reimplantation, antireflux surgery, and megaureter repair
Complications of exstrophy and epispadias repair
Complications of hypospadias repair
Complications of surgery for disorders of sex development
Complications of pediatric urinary diversions and bladder augmentation.