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  • Book
    [edited by] Adel Elmoselhi.
    Summary: "The aim of this work is to integrate the basic and clinical science topics of the cardiovascular system in a deliberately clinically oriented review book. Approximately half of the medical schools in the United States have already implemented an integrated curriculum in their pre-clinical programs, a trend which is growing both nationally and internationally. This trend is due in part to the proven benefits of the evidence-based practice of medicine as well as the increasing number of integrative clinical vignette questions in the medical and healthcare professional license examinations."--Preface

    Development of the heart and blood vessels
    Anatomical structure of the heart
    Cardiovascular circuitry and hemodynamics
    Electrophysiology of the heart
    Cardiac output and the pressure-volume relationship
    The cardiac cycle
    Regulation of arterial blood pressure and microcirculation
    Ischemic heart disease and management drugs
    Arrhythmias and antiarrhythmic drugs
    Valvular heart diseases
    Congestive heart failure and management drugs
    Congenital heart diseases
    Systemic arterial hypertension and antihypertensive drugs
    Myocardial diseases
    Pericardial diseases
    Diseases of the peripheral vessels
    Cardiovascular drugs.
    Digital Access AccessMedicine 2018