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  • Book
    edited by Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean and Nikolas Rose.
    Preface / Tara Mahfoud, Sam McLean and Nikolas Rose
    Vital brains: on the entanglement of media, minds, and models / Cornelius Borck
    Slicing the cortex to study mental illness: Alois Alzheimer's pictures of equivalence / Lara Keuck
    Opaque models: using drugs and dreams to explore the neurobiological basis of mental phenomena / Nicolas Langlitz
    Man not a machine: models, minds, and mental labor, c.1980 / Max Stadler
    Infrastructural intelligence: contemporary entanglements of neuroscience and AI / Johannes Bruder
    Learning from large-scale neural simulations / Maria Serban
    Connectomes as constitutively epistemic objects: critical perspectives on modeling in current neuroanatomy / Philipp Haueis, Jan Slaby
    Bridging the gap between system and cell: the role of ultra-high field MRI in human neuroscience / Robert Turner, Daniel De Haan.
    Digital Access ScienceDirect 2017