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    guest editor, John Kulig.
    Summary: Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews: Case Studies in Adolescent HealthEach case presentation in this volume has a lesson to teach. As with the previous volume, contributions were solicited by open invitation on the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine's listserv, and authors were instructed to submit concise Case presentations with a discussion and a limited number of references. Many of the first authors are physician fellows in adolescent medicine. Cases are presented in alphabetical order by first author's last name. Medical, surgical, mental health a.

    An Unusual Complication of Rapid Weight Loss
    Beyond Pharyngitis
    The Curious Case of the Disappearing Teen
    Acute Neck Pain Following a Large Meal and Vomiting
    Evolving Neurologic Symptoms in a Previously Healthy Adolescent Male
    "Picky" Eater with a Stomping Gait
    Fever, Cough, and Syncope in a Critically Ill Adolescent
    Leg Swelling in a Patientwith Anorexia Nervosa
    Do Television Exercise Commercials Contribute to Eating Disorders?
    An Adolescent Evaluated for Chronic Fatigue: Does She Have a Sleep Disorder?
    Adolescent with an Abdominal Mass
    Takayasu Disease Associated with Severe Osteoporosis in a Pre-pubertal Female
    Bilateral Scrotal Pain
    Acute Onset of Nausea, Difficulty Walking, and Eye "Spots"
    "These Cramps Are Holding Me Back!" A Star Basketball Player with Muscle Cramps
    Multiple Visits for Abdominal Pain, Constipation, and "I need a test for sexually transmitted diseases"
    New Rash
    An Adolescent Female with Abdominal Pain and Chronic Cough
    A Cheerleader with Weight Lossand Amenorrhea
    Could It Be ... Something Other than PID?
    Weight Down, Bilirubin Up/Weight Up, Bilirubin Down: The Strange Case of the Malnourished Adolescent
    Heart-Breaking Obesity
    A Hairy Situation
    Severe Hypernatremia in an Adolescent with an Eating Disorder
    Dizziness and Bradycardia for Investigation
    An adolescent with abnormal uterine bleeding: an uncommon cause for a common complaint
    A common presentation of a rare genetic disorder clinically mimicking primary myopathy.
    Digital Access eBook Comp Acad 2012